(文未完 1017_伯公岡之間
Those towns that near the coastline in Taoyuan, Taiwan that my beloved grandfather and beloved father used to stay 50 years ago. What they looked like in recent and what people talked about. Their living, their memory and their houses could hold my heart and really moving.
You could be #伯公岡 #埔心 #楊梅 #富岡 anytime, a short distance by bike or motercycle from anywhere in Taoyuan. You could also be there via TRA or metro bus. Will you be there and listen to small town's voice?
然而"具體基礎工程完工代表案件/現金流量與工程時程管控/內部計畫與施造人員專業技術與施工能力考驗/具體工程行進安全衛生維護與檢驗,'''' 局外人鄉親也謝謝能申請的經費的公僕與代表.
彭家兩代50年前也居住在這裡影片裡有 先祖父與 先父熟識的鄉親,然而農地茶園農舍與土地在地被不當處分干擾稅制影響金融秩序這部分20年來沒有獲重視; 公車鐵路只把一批批的人們載離這小鎮, 所謂區域發展和對新住民移工移民的關注呈現的方式, 能在長期威逼霸凌客家鄉親下的回饋聲音被聽到? 還能有經費人力前往蘭嶼製作專題嗎?