2020-09-04 19:30:23WitchVera


So sad that we people in Taoyuan, Taiwan must deal with such situation, and I'm supposed alga reef shall be sad deeply itself. Located in Datan, Taoyuan, shared: Jauwen Chan
We must ask all the infrastruction nearby shall stop immediately, which is for marine creature, sea bed, and #柴山多杯孔珊瑚 Our next generations has no doubt need this coast line and sea shore, indeed.

WitchVera 2020-09-29 12:53:57

9月17日下午12:48 ·
Shall you please focus on coral that DR. Jauwen Chan just found the other day? Which is located a port 基翬 ,Taitung in Taiwan, ROC. Supposed it appeared in Okinawa, Japan and around Taiwan. Perhaps coral bleaching forced DR. Chan to look after related subjects around coastline of Taiwan every so often.
It could be a new record of coral of the world the present an era of Taiwan. But, so sorry for I do not recognize any of it though.
Share: Jauwen Chan
13 小時 ·
Acropora longicyathus (暫定中文名:長刷軸孔珊瑚)。 不管在Coral of the World (Veron 2000) 還是 Acropora of the World (Wallace 1999),台灣都沒有被記錄到。但是這兩位珊瑚分類大師當年都跟我提到日本琉球有,台灣應該也會有才對。