2020-04-20 12:41:59WitchVera



A girl came from HongKong who has her own family in Daxi, Taoyuan already. She who has no childhood in HongKong, and now, really enjoy all the life time here with her family together. Also, she makes the life significant with kids, husband and friends. Supposed helping other people became her mission as well.

Great to be there and talk with her that day. All the story and activity is danger, different from the courses you may attend at #日月潭水上活動 before. She lives in Daxi and also attend so many rescue team now. Her kids experience many dangerous courses even not been born yet, really cool.

Find time to talk with her and her kids could improve you a lot, indeed.

謝謝 #壢景町 策劃這系列活動並鼓勵民眾聽看看!
□時間:4/4(六) 兒童節/14:00-15:30

Share: 中壢城市故事館 - 壢景町在中壢城市故事館 - 壢景町。
3月29日上午11:55 · 中壢區 ·
【壢景町 下周活動預告】

□時間:4/4(六) 兒童節/14:00-15:30

IRIA國際激流救生協會 激流獨木舟救援教練
中華民國溯溪協會 B級溯溪教練
桃園市義勇特搜大隊山域搜救分隊 助理幹事


Anything you know about tree-climb in Taiwan? Do you think if it could be a job, a career and maybe make money to? He come and share so many trees he used to talk to and to stay with in the forum today, not only in Taiwan though.

In addition, he owned a company to instruct tree-climb in #桃園市八德區. He is willing to share his story and knowledge with all the others, you do not really have to climb a tree.

It is interesting to have time sharing with the 1st who owned the licence here in Taiwan. Supposed that's one reason he did not accepted by China. Such a guy who has talent and sense of humor that you must find time to attend his course, indeed.

■樹上看見的世界:全台第一位ISA攀樹師的玩樂人生─翁恒斌/ISA國際樹藝協會 攀樹師
□時間:4/18(六)14:00-16:00 (13:50完成報到)

Share: 中壢城市故事館 - 壢景町
4月14日下午1:52 ·
有follow到 在台灣的故事這集播出的朋友,這周六可以來現場目睹攀樹師 鴨子本尊的面貌!!!
小 編 表 示 : 是 攀 樹 界 的 超 級 大 咖 來 著 喔 !


■樹上看見的世界:全台第一位ISA攀樹師的玩樂人生─翁恒斌/ISA國際樹藝協會 攀樹師
□時間:4/18(六)14:00-16:00 (13:50完成報到)
攀樹趣-Climbing Tree

楊風 2020-04-27 09:12:54
