2020-02-25 12:25:09WitchVera



It looks getting cold in sudden, shall take a rest in Shihlin now. Feel cold and problem of inhale.

Start point --> 捷運站石牌 --> 陽明大學 布查當代藝術 -->軍艦岩 --> 榮總石牌分院 --> 榮華三街 (附近有間學校與公園) --> 巨禮音樂 --> 忠誠公園

Stop timing and shall back to start point later.

Did not get any mouth mask last night, and my bike 落鏈. That's the reason not sleep almost all night after that. Tried to fix it up till 10:00am in the morning today, make me sweat and both hands oil and dirty. And then, a young man worked at YAMAHA motor helped me to repair in 90 seconds. w/ Chiechin Peng



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