1213 薪傳
【Taipei】Taipei, Taiwan is holding a plan to play a trilingual poem and dramas on year 2016. The director, performers and many audiences joined the show call: Heritage (薪傳) in Taipei, Taiwan on 13 December 2015(Sun) 13:20.
Mr. Chuang(莊華堂), is one of the talent Hakka writer and director in Taipei, who conducted this show and he is quite focus on it. Since he is solid experienced to Hakka music and Hakka show, the audiences appreciated a splendid dramas and rich poem readers on 13, Dec.
In addition, the younger audiences joined the performance on stage could also learned about Hakka culture, being brave to speak in Hakka, and willing to act on the stage. This idea were from Mr. Chuang joined the show actually and came out during the rehearsal about one hour earlier than the show beginning.
Since the show announced on Facebook, so many detail like poster, poem, dramas also shared on line on the begin of December. Friends who like Hakka and Hoklo(福洛語) could read and replied on line on Facebook.
Poem readers appear on the stage and sing the poem in Chinese start this show, each poem were mentioned on the screen hanging on the wall. Music were conducted by the computer and also played by a three-person team call: 大襟傳統客家劇團.
Then, poem readers appear on the stage and sing the poem in Hakka and Hoklo(福佬語). Some young boys watched the show near the readers and performers. Therefore, many famous writers share their poem and join to act on the stage. All the elements make a show splendid and perfect.
To deliberate the poems in Hakka and Hoklo were arranged on 16:00 in the same place. Two different team of poem writers read their piece of artwork, shared their thoughts and experienced the audiences’ opinions in public.
Also, due to the time and limited-budget, these performers make the show meaningful, colorful and bright.
Looking forward to see their traveling show on year 2016.
(Photos as underneath shared by 莊華堂, 葉莎)
再一次請台客人,大人細子共下來 男女男
滿山春色 美麗好遊賞【孝欣】
第一相好 水底的鴛鴦
滿山攏是 我e老客兄【閩語,萱.亮】
滿山攏是 我e老客兄
1個2個3個4個 唉呀我的媽
滿山春色 美麗好遊賞【彭玉芝】
第一相好 水底的鴛鴦(客語唱)
滿山全係 我介福佬媽【客語.寶.艾】
滿山全係 我介福佬媽
1齊2齊3齊4齊 跍著到該.摘茶
滿山春色 美麗好遊賞【合唱-寒客語和台語】
第一相好 水底的鴛鴦
你咱可比 彼款的模樣
監 製 陳慶祥
總策劃 范揚松
製作人 張 田
執行製作人 彭玉芝.
節目主持 莊華堂. 彭玉芝.劉正偉. 何雅芬
執行製作 鍾林英. 劉世槿
導 演 莊華堂
編 劇 莊華堂.陳孝欣
助理導演 陳孝欣
平面設計 林雅君.陳美蓁.
舞台設計 莊華堂.陳孝欣
音樂設計 陳孝欣.莊華堂
影像提供 呂學源.王 灝.陳貴璋. 陳孝欣.莊華堂……
燈光設計 莊華堂
現場樂師 賴仁政
劇 照 師 葉 莎
化 妝 師 葉 珊. 黃碧清
排練助理 黃佳伶
企劃主任 葉佳伶
公關主任 吳錡亮.范姜榮銘
舞台監督 廖聖芳
文書組長 王興寶
會計組長 賴貴珍
音像執行 林雅君
服務書攤 陳美燕.陳美蓁.
工程技師 莊喆羽
影像紀錄 莊喆羽 黃佳伶
領銜主演 趙天福
參演詩人 向陽.葉莎..黃徙.范揚松.林央敏(出場序)
專業獻藝 張田.趙雪芹.大襟傳統客家劇團
特別客串 莊華堂. 彭玉芝.葉莎. 陳庭懿
聯合演出 陳孝欣.王興寶.吳錡亮.鍾林英.江品萱林雅君.黃佳伶.
現場揮毫 邱若龍.徐仁崇.宋良銘.廖富景.黃鎮堂
向 陽:台灣詩人,台北教育大學台文所教授
地址:臺北市大安區信義路三段 157 巷 11 號(捷運文湖線大安站下)
上一篇:阿婆, 單車騎去中壢分局!
謝謝無楚大哥 小洋子 旅人北北, 今天時間不是太夠 來不及回應各位或是增補圖文在我PCHome里, 一併祝福
Happy New Year and Have A Precious 2016.
(And, Just read 20pages of "Dirty Little Secrets" in 220 pages, really good book. Worthy $8.99 US, to update idioms, slang and usages. Is hoarder a secret you would hide for? Is it so often to watch hoardering shows on TV? What will happened at the end of the story? Will change any of you after reading?
昨晚雨中老車沒油沒電, 叉在觀音鄉路中, 幸好兩位年輕帥哥幫推車, 舊車其實很需要照料, 環境 動物 生態 或者人 不也是? 新年的好開始, 也許只是線路燒了。 還洗了我一張credit card, what a wonderful day yesterday to laundry my credit card, the only one Mega bank. 昨天真是美好~ 手機是放在桌上捏~ 哈哈哈!
祝福我親愛的朋友們 步步踏實 心懷光明 前程遠大)
(Again, 前幾頁很認真慢讀裡面的idioms and phrases, 仔細想她的用字 發現自己真的退步且讀速大退, 理解也差多了~~ 找時間再去翻來讀, 畢竟與economist, WSJ or G&M 太不同了! 不過 除了眼力 腦力 活力都有退化咧! 還想認真學Ski on ice for women's figure nei~)
Tried to finding a little bird to speak laud about I experenced during passed three years. Haha~ WBM = Who Birds Me? Already arrived Cihu, Taoyuan now. 清晨開始騎單車經龍岡/龍潭/石門到大溪頭寮找方法要告狀, 但WBM誰鳥我! 現在喘噓噓抵達慈湖(1979我在此演說過, 原因不詳, 講稿在哪? 夫人與蔣家一門, 我的叔公阿爸都……)看人與雕像。 13:40 18 Dec 2015
<歌唱> WitchVera
一早的情感傳真, 滿滿溢出
人生匆匆 匆匆 太匆匆
於是黃土 芒草 與水酒
可我, 竟是讀出兩眼垂淚
26 Nov 2015, 和楊風教授詩作。 終於, 也和上一首詩了。