Oh dear, one day if I don’t breath anymore in front of you, or maybe my heart beat just stop, darling, please let me just go~ --Chie Chin Peng(WitchVera) 05 Feb 2013
噢 我最親愛的
或者 心不再跳動
請讓我走 -- Chiechin Peng 05 Feb 2013
原本該不該對誰有什麼期待 答案已是不須懷疑了
摘取中央社對於3/9 廢核活動的報導其二如下:
福島核災2週年全台廢核遊行| 社會新聞| 中央社即時新聞CNA NEWS
3 days ago – 中央社記者魏紜鈴台北9日電)309全台廢核大遊行今天下午登場,發起環團之一綠色公民行動聯盟預估,北台灣場將有3萬人上街,不排除全台逾10萬 ...
廢核遊行商總:尊重基本權利| 財經新聞| 中央社即時新聞CNA NEWS
3 days ago – (中央社記者林孟汝台北9日電)北中南東全台串聯廢核遊行今天登場,商總理事長張平沼表示,民眾對核四有疑慮,遊行是基本權利,應予尊重。
版僕仍然沒辦法拿在快速道路上逼前方車輛、 激速超車, 或是前方連續鈍車的行為有任何積極作為,那些街頭玩命者看上去就沒繳多少稅的樣子。
一、 在省道、 縣道上都不難遇上前開各狀況,
二、 版僕沒有糾舉的權利, 尤其碰多了找不到肇事者的車禍事件後!
三、 取締的多半是彙繳罰單的騎士或車主,哀哀真的老了、 累了、 也乏了~~ (都是在桃園縣中壢市遇上的喔!!)
您能明白過去二十幾年只能繳各項稅、 費的繁瑣與疲累嗎?
↑ 照片.jpg 東岩槻駅
↑ 照片.jpg
↑ 照片.jpg
那天(3月10日)在日本埼玉縣某大學服務的加拿大友人傳了三張照片, 看不見太陽的原因,是空氣中都是中國北方飄去的沙塵, 猜想北京部分區域應該也雷同。 版僕知道幾年前有臺灣前去中國東北地區植樹的志工, 那是自發性的團體, 效果也不會這麼快看到。
o And this: seeing as how their legal exports are often toxic I can only imagine what's in the dust.
您像版僕一樣 懷疑那沙塵含有的成分嗎
這個時候 沙塵應該也影響臺灣北部了吧
該怎麼告訴你 這心動卻是那麼心痛
看你的指尖輕觸撫弄著她 一遍遍
那拉扯著的 還是我這顆肉做的心
star48.048.com.tw star50.048.com.tw star11.048.com.tw star13.048.com.tw
What Rick just uploaded on his FB yesterday (05 OCT):
So, I'm walking through the station to the Saikyo Line and I decide to stop off at Asahi Chicken to get a takeout for lunch.
After studying the display I decide to get the four piece juicy fried chicken set for which includes potato wedges for ¥630 instead of the four piece juicy fried chicken without potato wedges that sells for ¥680.
The girl gets the box ready to pack my lunch up and I tell her to keep the potatoes. She then rings my order up for ¥680. I tell her "Forget that!" in Japanese. She's got this stunned look on her face, and her senior comes over to remedy the problem. I'm happy, Asahi Chicken makes a sell, we're all happy.
A couple of things to think about here Japan. 1) Why the hell would any company charge customers a lower price for more product? Asahi Chicken shouldn't be in business if profit isn't their end game. 2) If a customer wants to have their order modified, give it to them, especially if it generates profits for the company. 3) Most important. Use some freaking common sense... Or learn about it. Only seven years away to do this before the Olympics are in town. At the moment, Japan is a sure shot for gold when it comes to blind obedience and half-ass customer service. — 在大宮駅 Omiya station
剛才發現Rick 又寫了篇好的, 如下:
Yes, I get annoyed when people in the service industry serve their master instead of the customer. Probably I get pissed with poor service because I worked in the service industry for 14 years and did a good job at serving my customers. And when I couldn't make a call at changing something to fulfil my customers needs and requests, I would ask my supervisor for clarity.
Yes I mentioned the prices. Do the math. My order would have saved the company money, if not generated a profit for them. I don't have a B. Commerce and I can figure that out.
You know, when American restaurants and cafe's came to Japan, customers couldn't have their orders modified until customers, mostly westerners, complained. Case in point, Subway. You could have it "Your way" anywhere you found Subway franchises, except in Japan. Whatever the picture showed, that's what you get. No more, no less. I even offered to pay ¥100 for one extra pickle slice on my sandwich. One pickle. The owner refused pointing at the picture. Anyone who worked in the service industry, and is good at their job would tell you it's the little things that make a business successful. And it's not even the service industry that was backwards here. You remember the banking industry here having their ATM operating only during banking hours not even ten years ago. It was CITI Bank that changed the game here with 24hr/365 day ATMs, phone and internet banking. Customers liked it and demanded it of the local banks.
Sure, I and a few others rant about crap service here. At least we complain which help make businesses here wake up and smell the coffe, rather than be part of the mass of lemmings scared to be hammered down. 2013-10-06 18:41:59
Share: Zoe Chen 9月27日 11:40 · Yüanli ·
WitchVera: 跟著哽咽, 他們爭了好久 有兩年了!
而今天能有這樣的成果,非常感謝苑裡義務律師團的義務律師高涌誠律師、林三加律師、謝英吉律師、柯劭臻律師、蔣昕佑律師、洪明儒律師、李宣毅律師、邱顯智律師、劉繼蔚律師、曾威凱律師、李明芝律師、葉恕宏律師、陳柏舟律師、林子琳律師、左逸軒律師、林昶燁律師、林士雄律師、宋國鼎律師、黃國城律師,感謝律師們的熱血與付出,也必須感謝辛苦堅持的鄉親與聲援者們,及一路上支持我們的 環境法律人協會 Environmental Jurists Association, EJA、 民間司法改革基金會、 Taiwan Association for Human Rights 台灣人權促進會 、財團法人法律扶助基金會與所有曾聲援過我們的朋友。最後,今日的無罪判決已經證明了財團與檢警的濫訟完全是對人民自由的打壓,我們在此呼籲檢察官莫再上訴,莫再浪費司法資源來打壓人民的言論自由。
自由時報報導:苑裡反瘋車涉強制罪宣判 20人均獲判無罪
蘋果即時報導:反瘋車被控妨害自由 20被告一審全無罪
中央通訊社報導:阻風車施工 20人抗爭一審無罪
http://goo.gl/jbF4UP 2015-07-03 20:51:03