2012-01-21 23:19:55WitchVera

【續】 寬心園

Here’s a reunion took place in Taipei on 03 Dec 2011, which is for the girls who had been studied at The University of Manitoba, Canada. And, the girls are all come from Taiwan, R.O.C.


We met each other at the same vegetarian restaurant in Taipei, actually, and the same table as previous time. Every dish we took are really really great and delicious, the place is neat and clean.


Any differences that you may find if compare with previous time? Check out web: 寬心園- WitchVera的新聞記事- PChome 個人 ... - 個人新聞台- PChome and leave me a message.


Joyce went to Honolulu, Hawaii with her husband and their son. Katie helped to upload photos on FB, so that, every one of us could see the photos and leave words. Evita did not come that day, but she leaves a sweet note on FB after.


Some other girls did not join us, because they’re busy at work. Wish them doing well and be treated well. I’m not sure if I could visit Winnipeg, CA this year, the expense going higher than I could afford in Canada. Somehow, the good memory that I had been studied with those lovely girls could be taken to everywhere I go~



1203 2011 01.jpg

1203 2011 02.jpg

1203 2011 03.jpg

The buildings of the University of Manitoba, CA are different from the year we’ve been there, the staffs uploaded photos and films on FB. And, I’m supposed the continuing education center may looks better than before, the better outlooks to IEP(Intensive English Program) could be imaged, indeed. Send my best wishes to all the staffs and students. Web: http://umanitoba.ca/ or 溫尼伯大學 The University of Winnipeg


All the information on this web is for reference only, not for sale, re-sale or commercial purpose.



殷墟劍客 2012-02-10 20:59:38

還是有私心覺得要把這些古典文學研究 藏起來, 怎好去教給 西方人呢~~ 呵呵... 可這始終心胸坦蕩蕩 才是為學處世之道, 多半年輕一輩是不懂得的了.

小洋子一貫有的活蹦亂跳, 讓我也去訪留文一段!

祝福 平安 真大吉祥



旅人 2012-02-05 23:11:32

/版僕WitchVera是左邊坐著第二個的, 略施薄粉與胭脂/



旅大笑話囉~~ 歲月在熟齡女子臉上的痕跡, 很難遮啦!

祝福 平安吉祥
2012-02-06 18:44:09
楊風 2012-02-02 09:47:07
