主旨Re: RE: 召集: 致理會統79年畢業二班_20週年同學會
隱藏詳細資料 4月12日 (3 天以前)
阿, 偶也不知道要怎樣說, 電話都沒換, 可見得是"沒心"厚?
如果有住在中壢還不跟我連絡, 那最好是先想好漂亮的理由ㄚ.
見面的時候< 要先打妳們屁屁!
楊在Blog的留言, 偶看見了, 拜託要保持聯絡喔~~
各位這一圈就先託給 黃 吳囉~~
不過阿, shui漂亮很多,感情加分 工作加分 只是怎麼釀遠?? ㄟㄟ 先祝福你們,
我得看看怎麼找其他的同學, 再隔一陣子我風濕比較好些再提供大家已經蒐集到
的同學們通訊方式, 千萬別跑喔!
Take care, dolls~
黃 <○◇@yahoo.com.tw> 於 2010年4月12日下午12:19 寫道:
- 隱藏引用文字 -
寄件者: 吳<○◇@yahoo.com.tw>
收件者: 黃 <○◇@yahoo.com.tw>; peipei <○◇@yahoo.com.tw>; 李 <○◇@mail.xxxx.com.tw>; 楊<○◇@xx.gov.tw>; Shui <○◇@xxxx.com>
副 本:
寄件日期: 2010/4/9 (五) 10:01:56 AM
主 旨: RE: 召集: 致理會統79年畢業二班_20週年同學會
sorry !! 沒經同意就把妳們出賣了
接到 彭(沒記錯吧?)電話
時光飛逝 畢業20年 加上5年學生生涯
活到現在 一半的歲月有妳們吔
翻看舊照 不過5~6年
大伙直呼誰誰變了 誰誰胖了 誰誰老了.........
其間變化 更令人..........
to Pon :
過去 現在 未來 單身
那德性 和過去差不多
只是頭髮白了 很好認的
--- 10/4/8 (四),WitchVera <○◇@gmail.com> 寫道:
主旨: 召集: 致理會統79年畢業二班_20週年同學會
收件者: "John " <○◇@pchome.com.tw>, julie <○◇@xxx.com.tw>, ○◇@hotmail.com
副本: chiu <○◇@yahoo.com.tw>, joanna <○◇@xx.com>, south <○◇@msa.hinet.net>
日期: 2010年4月8日,四,下午9:01
Dear All,
Just got the update as underneath, please kindly pass this information to our classmates that you amy still contact with. Thank you very much for the help~
吳 ○◇@yahoo.com.tw TEL: 02-xxx (shall help to contact 李 黃 佩佩)
曾 : joanna ○◇@xx.com CellPhone: 0932xxx (shall help to contact 陳)
羅 : south ○◇@msa.hient.net TEL: 02-2766 xxx
鄭 : TEL: 035-3xxxx CellPhone: 0937 xxx (暫無email)
I'm supposed 王 may not attend, but I'll keep in touch with her.
The reunion date is 11:00am on 29 May 2010 (Sat).
Place: To be advice (暫定在板橋市)
In addition, here's my contact detail for your reference,
CellPhone: 0910 xxx
… …
Blog/ Web: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/whitegoose (WitchVera的新聞記事)
… …
煩請相互以email 或電話聯絡, 如果可以手機或email聯絡上陳 王 林 謝...等位
請幫忙通知或將連絡方式給我, 所有同班同學與家眷都是受歡迎的!
目前我在桃園縣觀音鄉的弟弟家暫住, 也歡迎來訪!
or, leave your message by pchome at my blog: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/whitegoose
即使屆時不方便出席, 也請以email保持聯絡就算幫到我了, 感恩~~
過兩天再第二階段聯絡 犯風濕了我...ㄟ 要忍 我知道!
Best Regards,
08 April 2010

At the end, I would like to share a tiny article as underneath with you all,
Spring Clean Your Friendship (Mar 20 - Jun 20)
We are midway through Spring. This happens to be the time when we clean out clutter and touch up on stuff. What about your contacts and friendships? Don't get me wrong here. I'm not talking about those bonds which are for a lifetime. I'm talking about those friends who are on the fringes of your friend circle. Some of them are toxic, some are best when out of touch and some are plain irritating company. There must be some names on your contact list which make you ignore the phone every time their names flash on your phone screen. If you want to work on these weak links, now is the time. If you feel the need to let go, now is the time.
There is nothing wrong with starting afresh. I always believe that bonds are not bondage. They liberate you and urge you to scale heights that you thought were beyond your reach. Your true friends are those who encourage you and expect you to encourage them when they are on a lean phase. If you feel the burden of a particular relationship bearing down heavily on you and your peace of mind, it's best to act. There's no point letting things hang the way they are, unattended and unkempt. I would suggest you be honest in your dealings and tell the other person that things are not working out and you'd rather part ways amicably. At the same time, appreciate your true friends!

昨(5/23)找到同學二名, 今天開始不再找了, 看餐廳去也~~ 期待5/30囉, 各位!