2009-10-20 01:49:52WitchVera
Cloud - strange and changeful
Cloud - strange and changeful
Sea shore.JPG took on Aug 2008 south of Taiwan.
Compare the 1st photo that took on Aug 2008, all the other clouds which took on Oct 10 2009 were strange and changeful. Took photos at Kenting, Pingtong hsien, Taiwan ROC.
詭譎多變的雲, 在芭瑪颱風成形但還未嚴重威脅台灣時, 以下照片攝於南臺灣—海生館附近沿海。 船隻是8月初擱淺的, 天地之間水氣的變化, 令人生畏懼怕。
20 Oct 2009
Somehow, the world is hot, flat and crowded. It's disorder, so that you could make money.
Your country is quite beautiful, no fear about that clouds. Keep your good heart and positive thoughts. :D
因為剛搬家, 住家環境還不錯--推門可見藍天白雲 出門可見稻田與寬敞的馬路, 可惜...鄰居的生活態度拉低平均分數捏.
有閑才來聊~~ 2009-10-21 22:18:09