2009-07-26 12:15:59WitchVera

HCM, Vietnam

Not much I could still remember about the time I stayed in HCM, Vietnam on September 2004, just a couple more photos that could share with you by now. Actually it’s a part of dormitory located in HCM, Vietnam. All those rainy days, windy and humidity, mind of blue could fly to anywhere still.

Any places that have flowers could bring me back the meaning of life.
Photo were took when driving on the road in HCM, nothing more I could remember about the road.

Yummmm, all those rainy days, windy and humidity, mind of blue could fly to anywhere still.

(photo were took by a kid who came from Taiwan, but I don't really know him though.)


下一篇:Yokoso Japan - I

WitchVera 2015-05-05 18:31:12

2004年去越南胡志明出差兩個多月, 只留下四張數位照片, 其中一張杯碗還是原作者拍的, 那時他還是國小生喔~~ 我跟他說 不要回來台灣受教育 上了國中開始腦部就被教呆了~~
