2007-05-18 04:35:26WitchVera

Polar bear and north

See, told you the polar bears will push the bus and undressed~~

極地生物的樣貌 瞧瞧去囉
How many polar animals that you could recognize?

隨著冰原逐年縮小範圍, 北極熊的生活受到干擾才會攻擊人類 ,
請節省水電等資源, 並給地球多些呼吸喘息的機會. 謝謝大家 !
The ice cap is melting day after day, the polar bears start to attack people because the environment changed. Please do your best to save water, power, and give earth a chance to breath.
Thank you very much for the concern.

Citizen of Earth/地球公民
ps. Thank you, Greg~~


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