2014-08-03 09:55:04Na na na na na



抱著你Be with you
詞曲 張震嶽  Lyricist / composer Chang Chen-Yue

如果明天看不見太陽 If I can not see the sun tomorrow

整個世界會變成怎樣 What would the world become

在最後這一刻 At this last moment

讓我緊緊抱你 Let me hold you tight

抱著你 抱著你 抱著你 Just want to Be with you
To Be with you, To Be with you

如果生命果真是無常 If life is really ever changing

我願坦然面對而不慌 I would like to face it frankly

有你在我身旁 With you by my side

有你給我力量 With the strength you give

抱著你 抱著你 抱著你 Just want to be with you
To be with you, To be with you

你的眼神充滿愛和光 Your eyes is full of love and guiding light

讓我不畏懼明天黑暗 I do not fear the darkness of tomorrow

煩惱憂愁悲傷 All the sadness

一切都不重要Does not matter anymore

抱著你  抱著你 抱著你 To Be with you, To Be with you, To Be with you

我只要抱著你 抱著你 抱著你 I just want to Be with you, Be with you, Be with you
