2007-11-21 13:10:23Mr.Richard
Fall work
what do trees do in fall
yeah, leaves fall
so today
we swept our front yard and back yard
damn they’re so big !
i kept sweeping then i got scratches on my hands
and we took 2.5 hours to clean up
finally, we finished
and have more than 10 trash bags !
it’s so tired
i dont wanna do it again ...
but i’ll do it again cause leaves still keep falling
not all trees out of leaves
especially maple tree
even though it beautiful but it makes us upset in fall
yeah, leaves fall
so today
we swept our front yard and back yard
damn they’re so big !
i kept sweeping then i got scratches on my hands
and we took 2.5 hours to clean up
finally, we finished
and have more than 10 trash bags !
it’s so tired
i dont wanna do it again ...
but i’ll do it again cause leaves still keep falling
not all trees out of leaves
especially maple tree
even though it beautiful but it makes us upset in fall
piles of leaves
a big pile of leaves
look how many they were = = ....
finally .... trash bags ..
我這個掰咖也有幫忙掃樹葉= = 累死人了~
媽的我掃三次了!好凡= =
哈哈哈 我家院子很大耶= = 然後又超多數葉 整個掃的很累還要到屋頂吹數葉 2007-11-22 23:51:49