2010-12-28 12:00:00小麥
[音地] Anouk - Lost
07年9月很意外的聽到這首歌 LOST
收錄在 Anouk "Hotel New York" 2004發行
很喜歡 但中文網站上都找不到關於這個女歌手的資料
10年整理舊文章 再次聽到這首歌 依然喜歡
原來Anouk來自荷蘭 在該地是有名的搖滾女聲
這首歌編曲簡單 但聲音充滿了情緒
沙啞又有力的聲音 的確十分令人著迷
這裡總算有關於她的介紹了 有興趣的人可以看一看
If roses are meant to be red
And violets to be blue
Why isn't my heart meant for you
My hands longing to touch you
But I can barely breathe
Starry eyes that make me melt
Right in front of me
Lost in this world
I even get lost in this song
And when the lights go down
That is where I'll be found
This music's irresistible
Your voice makes my skin crawl
Innocent and pure
I guess you heard it all before
Mister Inaccessible
Will this ever change
One thing that remains the same
You're still a picture in a frame
Lost in this world
I even get lost in this song
And when the lights go down
That is where I'll be found
I get lost in this world
I get lost in your eyes
And when the lights go down
That's where I'll be found
Yeah yeah
I get lost in this world
I get lost in your eyes
And when the lights go down
Am I the only one
2007.9.20 / 2010.12.22
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