2005-06-14 20:41:16漫長的告別

Hello Stranger。

今天反覆在聽Closer主題曲,我終於明白為什麼在看完之後會有那麼悲傷的感覺。起初我不知道為什麼,在看到Natalie Portman回到美國,以及同一時間Jude Law重遊他們倆人初識的地方,才知道Natalie的真名,那一幕會讓人覺得如此悲傷。我想,也許是因為從頭到尾,不管劇中四人的關係,精神上或肉體上多麼錯綜複雜,但Natalie始終是沒在玩遊戲、始終很認真的,然她卻是因此受傷最重的,雖然受傷這種事情是沒什麼因果關係的。但Natalie在經歷了這一切,過了這許多時間,最後回到美國,臨進關時的回頭一望,想必充滿了各種難以形容的感觸。

(不過我也在想,也許也有人看完之後對於Jude Law或Julia Roberts或Clive Owen的角色有比較多認同感。)

- Oh, as if you had no choice? There's a moment, there's always a moment, I can do this, I can give into this, or I can resist it, and I don't know when your moment was, but I bet there was one.

-You think love it simple. You think the heart is like a diagram. You've ever seen a human heart? It looks like a fist, wrapped in blood!

-You don't know the first thing about love, because you don't understand compromise.