2008-12-16 00:17:59Weirdude

Wow..I got it

Tonight is the night that I graduated from Carnegie class even though I still need to make up for the one that I've missed last time.
Every week, we share our stories and basically what we've done last week to show improvements.  After that, there will be 2 ppl who will be voted as the Outstanding Performance Award and Break Through award?  Anyway, I've never got it because there were always nice/touching/inspiring stories every week even though I got nominated as best 3 couple times.  This week, what we need to talk about is what we've improved the most in 3 MONTHS!!  I, of course, told everyone the father story because it was my first time and for letting it out of my chest, I am feeling more complete in my life.  Then, I accidentally got the Outstanding Performance Award and was so surprised because there were some very nice stories that I really feel touched.  Wow..I feel so special that I actually have done something that got everyone's recognition at my last class.  I am glad I got the chance to go to this class and thanks to all the nice stories I've heard in the class.