2008-09-12 00:18:51Weirdude

National Palace Museum

Can't remember when the last time was to visit the National Palace Museum. I've wanted to go to the museum for a long time but didn't get the chance to visit it.
on 9/10, I finally made up my mind, and looked up the direction. The traffic was busy at 9 something AM..weird and with my limited knowledge and corrections, I finally made it there.
Taiwan's national palace museum should be greater than the one in Beijing because we grabbed most of the good stuff when KMT came to Taiwan. Now, I finally know that most of the stuff in the museum are actually the toys/exhibitions for Chin' dynasty. Needless to say all the great stuff, I didn't notice and appreciate the beauty of those heritages. Pottery, drawings, writings, old pieces, and decorations are really AWESOME! With the headset's help, I could check a lot of the information for some special items. However, no food and drinks made me have empty stomach for the whole day till it almost closed at 5. During the enjoyment, I often had this idea to just go out and eat but I stopped myself doing so. haha..I guess I could lose couple pounds there.