yes, i believe 逆轉有政治味道, but like kevin mentioned, no issue can be
pulled away from politics.
it is a common perception among the society that 逆轉 has close ties
with the DDP especially of its involvement in the presidential
election, whether we like it or not.
this is working in 2 ways, one is that people don`t want to get
involve with us because they see us one sided (disadvantage)
the other is that we can take this to our advantage. 逆轉 has a lot of
supporters thanks to the media coverage received from the presidential
to be honest, i don`t know if all supporters really know what 逆轉 is
all about, they probably just connect us with DDP and support us this
Therefore I think kevin`s 「副品牌」idea is really good, so somehow we are
still very much related to 逆轉, but through our "branding" we can
attract more people who shares in our values, no matter which party
they are standing with, this will not only allow our current
supporters continue to support us, but also attract other passionate
if this 「副品牌」needs a name
i think the letters should come from 逆轉`s issues:
- 逆``轉``台灣人拼``經``濟的盲目
- 逆轉年輕人對社會與``政``治參與的冷漠
- 逆轉缺乏專業倫理的新聞``媒``體
- 逆轉激化的``社``會對立
for example : 政經轉媒社.. something like this (i am sure you guys are way
more smarter than i am for chinese character puzzles.)
and this 「副品牌」 should state our principals out very clearly so that
people can be passionate about the issues that we believe in.
sorry i don`t know if it all makes sense, especially my english, and
sleepy... or if someone can help me translate..
i`ll update more later if i come up with something.
一群 有理想但 缺乏權力的學生.青年~
暫時的依附在 權力中心 下~
等待時機 一舉推翻 舊思想~