2004-07-11 23:57:43wings
Happy Birthday^_^ to my "pain killer": David Tao!

Dear David,
23:27 right now on July 11, 2004, hope it would NOT be to late to say ”Happy Birthday” to you David! don’t know what you’re doing now, i guess you’re producing your next new album in L.A. and you may have just celebrated your birthday with your baby ”Lucky” and your buddy! am i right? ha, i am waiting desparately for your new songs.
you know David, whenever i am unhappy, nervous, angry...i would listen to your music and i would feel much relaxed, and relieved. believe it or not, your music is like sort of ”pain killer”, or may be ”Psychological Panadol” more exactly. i think i have already ”ADDICTED” to you:”my soothing pill”.
in 2002 when i listen to your ”Black Tangerine”, it was really a great surprise to me cos i never thought that you could be so ROCK! i love your ROCK style indeed and of course your signiture R & B, besides, every time i listen back to all your albums, i would find new elements in your music that surprise me and enhance my listening enjoyment. last but not least, I feel very strongly about your support and concern about LOVE and PEACE of our world starting from ”Black Tangerine” and particularly last year in your concert in Hong Kong you weeped when mentioned about the tragedy.
hope our world would be in have LOVE and PEACE from now on.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN David and hope you would find your HONEY^_^ this year and meet your wedding plan in 2005!!!
lover of your music and your talent
xiao cai
23:27 right now on July 11, 2004, hope it would NOT be to late to say ”Happy Birthday” to you David! don’t know what you’re doing now, i guess you’re producing your next new album in L.A. and you may have just celebrated your birthday with your baby ”Lucky” and your buddy! am i right? ha, i am waiting desparately for your new songs.
you know David, whenever i am unhappy, nervous, angry...i would listen to your music and i would feel much relaxed, and relieved. believe it or not, your music is like sort of ”pain killer”, or may be ”Psychological Panadol” more exactly. i think i have already ”ADDICTED” to you:”my soothing pill”.
in 2002 when i listen to your ”Black Tangerine”, it was really a great surprise to me cos i never thought that you could be so ROCK! i love your ROCK style indeed and of course your signiture R & B, besides, every time i listen back to all your albums, i would find new elements in your music that surprise me and enhance my listening enjoyment. last but not least, I feel very strongly about your support and concern about LOVE and PEACE of our world starting from ”Black Tangerine” and particularly last year in your concert in Hong Kong you weeped when mentioned about the tragedy.
hope our world would be in have LOVE and PEACE from now on.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN David and hope you would find your HONEY^_^ this year and meet your wedding plan in 2005!!!
lover of your music and your talent
xiao cai