2016-04-09 13:38:07warrens7h0v

商業英文 網路學英文 免費 active capital中文意思是什麼

    聽力 英文 線上英語教室學英文 英文歌 一生必學的英文單字英文培訓 常用英文會話gept全民英檢 全民英檢初級寫作網上自學英語 線上免費學習唱歌學英語 雅思英檢我的外籍老師 台灣toeic 看電視學英文英檢中級 線上教學英文 唱歌的英文



active capital中文意思是什麼

active capital解釋

流動資商業英文 網路學英文 免費本。

  • active: adj 1 活動的,有活動力的;【生物學】活性的;【電學】有功的;【無線電】有源的;【物理學】放射性的...
  • capital: adj 1 首位的,最重要的,主要的,基本的,根本的。2 〈口語〉優秀的,上好的,第一流的。3 大寫(字母...

  • Mr tang concluded : " hantec group will maintain its base in hong kong, while engaging in active expansion by utilizing the additional capital financed from the issuance of loan notes, enabling us to grow from strength to strength to deliver higher returns to shareholders

  • Correct measures are essential to carry out the peoples equality and development policy and pertinent religion policy in the multi - nation - state ; to form a correct concept of people and to publicize correct ethos by combining nationalism with patriotism ; to prevent and expose the western countries " factionalism on the peoples issues to the multi - nation - state ; to set down the active and effective measures aimed at the terrorist character of the peoples separatist forces. due to the pervading existence of the peoples separatist forces in the world, different countries need to reach the common conclusion to strike the peoples separatist forces ; to cut the capital resources of the peoples separatist forces and terrorist activities, to root out the basement of them, with the lead of un, strike the international support to them ; besides, different countries should strengthen nation security protection, form a new concept of national security, get international and organizing cooperation and get rid of every form of hegemony and power politics

  • Play active propelling role in promoting business and capital investment and economic collaboration between the international and region, increasing mutual understanding of cooperative parties, promoting culture and economic cooperation between the countries and regions

  • Human resources are the active agents who accumulate capital, exploit natural resources, build social, economic and political organizations, and carry forward national development

    不幸的是長期以來,我們在過分依賴物質資本發展經濟的同時,卻忽視了人類自身的發展,忽視了人類自身素質? ?人力資本的提高。
  • As a kind of capital operation way, m & a plays an important role in the promotion of the economic development of various countries. the second m & a tide in our country started in 1992, and has been more and more active, and its influence on economy has been stronger and stronger. so to study m & a effects and the influence factors will make a great sense in instructing the m & a development in our country and creating conditions to bring its positive effects into play

    20世紀90年代以來,全球掀起了第五次並購浪潮,作為一種資本運作方式,並購對各國經濟發展起到重要推動作用, 1992年以來我國掀起了第二次並購浪潮並日益活躍,在經濟中影響日益增強,因而考察並購的效應及影響因素,將對指導我國企業並購發展,創造條件發揮其積極效應有重要意義。

    activate, activator rna, active antenna, active carbon, active defense, active duty

    active capital中文意思是什麼

    遊學 讀英文 快樂學英語
      聽力 英文 線上英語教室學英文 英文歌 一生必學的英文單字英文培訓 常用英文會話gept全民英檢 全民英檢初級寫作網上自學英語 線上免費學習唱歌學英語 雅思英檢我的外籍老師 台灣toeic 看電視學英文英檢中級 線上教學英文 唱歌的英文自己學英文 英語自學網1對1英文家教 中文學習教材
