What are the classifications of common headphones
According to the shape category, earbuds can be divided into earphones and earbuds.
The biggest change in earbud form will be size. These types of earplugs are often much larger than earplugs, and are generally divided into method indeterminate size earplugs and full-size indeterminate size earplugs. Over Ear Wireless Headphones,The ear cups of the medium uncalibrated earbuds do not completely enclose the auricle, while the full uncalibrated earphones, also known as "uncalibrated large earbuds", can completely surround the auricle for better noise reduction.
Typically, the operating system is of moderate diameter and will be used on the external auricle or inserted into the ear canal.
Earplugs are divided into semi-in-ear and in-ear. Usually, earplugs that can be inserted into the external ear canal are called in-ear canal, and those worn on the outer auricle are called semi-in-ear canal.
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