2006-07-06 14:39:50W.Y

Fix You

Fix You by Cold Play

when you try your best but you don't succeed. 當你盡了全力却没有成功
when you get what you want but not what you need .當你得到了却發現這不是你想要的
when you feel so tired but you can't sleep 當你疲憊不堪却無法入睡
stuck in reverse 绝望使你無法邁開脚步(意境是這樣的意思)
and the tears come streaming down your face 淚水掛在你的臉上
when you lose something you can't replace 也許你失去的是無法替代的
when you love someone but it goes to waste 你曾以為最可靠的愛人也離你而去
could it be worse?能更糟嗎?
lights will guide you home請留一盏灯 在家的方向
and ignite your bones 那一點火光會讓你重新燃起全身的希望
and i will try to fix you讓我來試著撫平你的心
high up above or down below 人生總是充滿著起起伏伏
when you're too in love to let it go你愛得那麼深 所以你放開了手
and if you never try, you'll never know但是你不嘗試就永遠不會知道
just what your worth 你認為這一切值得嗎?
lights will guide you home 那盏灯會告訴你家的方向
and ignite your bones那一點火光會讓你重新燃起全身的希望
and i will try to fix you讓我來試著撫平你的心
the tears stream down your face 那淚的小河從你臉上流下
when you lose something you cannot replace也許真的失去了就無法再挽回
the tears stream down your face 那淚的小河從你臉上流下
and I...而我
the tears stream down your face 那淚的小河從你臉上流
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes 我保證你會從我的錯誤中學到
the tears stream down your face 那淚的小河從你臉上流下
and I...還有我
lights will guide you home那一盏灯就是家的方向
and ignite your bones點一道火光 繼續燃起我們全身的希望
and i will try to fix you••••••請讓我來撫平你的心••••••