2006-05-01 17:58:11W.Y

Kelly Clarkson專輯

全 名:Kelly Brianne Clarkson 生 日:4/24/1982
從2002年(American Idol)總決賽中,以那充滿靈性的歌聲,就此在歌壇發跡。
其中有一首歌曲(Because of you),我很喜歡。以下是歌詞;
i will not make 我不會
The same mistakes that you did 犯你同樣的錯誤
I will not let myself 我不會讓我自己
Cause my heart so much misery 引起太多的心煩苦憂
I will not break 我不會潰退
The way you did , you fell so hard 像你一樣 , 跌得那麼重
I’ve learned the hard way 我已學到教訓
To never let it get that far 不讓情況惡化
*Because of you 因為有你
*I never stray too far from the sidewalk 我從不離人行道太遠
*Because of you 因為有你
*I learned to play on the safe side so I don’t get hurt 我學會注意安才不會 受傷
*Because of you 因為有你
*I find it hard to trust not only me , 我只相信自己很難相信別人
*but everyone around me
*Because of you. I am afraid 因為有你,我擔心害怕
I lose my way 我迷失了方向
And it’s not too long before you point it out 你很快地提醒我
I can not cry 我不能哭
Because I know that’s weakness in your eyes 因為會成為你眼中的弱者
I’m forced to fake 我被迫著要擠出
A smile , a laugh , everyday in my life 每一天在我生活中的每微笑,每個笑聲
My heart can’t possibly break 我的心不能碎
When it wasn’t even whole to start with 反正一開始它就不完全
重覆 * 號歌詞

I watched you die 我看著你的生命褪去
I hear you cry every night in your sleep 我聽到你每晚在夢中哭泣
I was so young 當時我那麼年輕
You should have know better than to lean on me 你應該知道不該太依賴我
You never thought of anyone else 你從不替別人著想
You just saw your pain 你只顧慮到你的痛苦
And now I cry in the middle of the night 現在我也在夜半哭喊
For the same damn thing 為著同樣的原因
Because of you 因為有你
I never stray too far from the sidewalk 我從不離人行道太遠
Because of you 因為有你
I learned to play on the safe side so I don’t get hurt 我學會注意安全才不會受傷
Because of you 因為有你
I try my hardest just to forget everything 我竭盡心力要忘掉一切
Because of you 因為有你
I don’t know how to let anyone else in 我不知道要如何接納其他人
Because of you 因為有你
I’m ashamed of my life because it’s empty 我的生命空虛到讓我羞愧
Because of you.(Oh~~ yea~) I am afraid 因為有你,我擔心害怕
Because of you 因為有你



訪客 2006-05-12 15:30:41


我想是因為她的歌聲、曲調及歌詞內容,打動歌迷的心。她真的是一個好歌手。 2006-05-13 21:15:54