由於bHIP Energy為身體提供大量營養素,因此能夠迅速修身,減少食慾。 |
根據美國食品藥物管理局的界定,bHIP所含成份均屬「普遍認為安全」(GRAS)。bHIP Energy中所有成分確定未含有毒物質。 |
如欲達到最佳效果,建議每天飲用2次 – 可早午各1次,或於想增強體力或專注力的任何其他時間飲用。你可在每次飲用時自行調整用量,以發揮不同程度的效力。 |
大部分人在飲用bHIP後6至10分鐘內會增加體力及精神,也有少數人可能需要數天時間才見效。* 大部分人會感到頭腦清晰,做事積極,並且有更強警覺性。bHIP會在你體內產生天然能量。 * 產品效果因人而異。 |
草本潔淨能量的獨特配方包括:難消化性麥芽糊精(水溶性膳食纖維)、氨基酸(L-牛磺酸、L-離氨酸、L-精氨酸、L-谷氨酰胺、L-甘氨酸、L-酪氨酸、L-亮氨酸、L-異亮氨酸、L-纈氨酸)、蘋果酸、瓜拉那提取物、綠茶提取物、人參提取物、瑪卡提取物、白堅木提取物、白柳皮提取物、葡萄糖醛酸、巴西莓提取物、橘子提取物、橘柑提取物、蘆薈濃縮物 2000% + 建議每天攝取量維他命B12、1000%維他命B6、300%維他命C、200%菸鹼酸B2、100%葉酸 強效的抗氧化物混合配方 註:上述數字乃根據9.3克沖劑份量計算 bHIP Energy Blend
Where do YOU get your ENERGY?
- Soft Drinks Full of Sugar?
- Coffee or Tea Loaded with Caffeine?
- Energy Drinks produced with Synthetic Chemicals?
- High Calorie Snacks?
bHIP Energy helps YOU get Energy in a Natural Way!
Did You Know? Over 31% of U.S. teenagers say they drink energy drinks. Energy drinks are the number 1 purchase at the Army & Air Force Exchange Service Stores in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Several of these brands are much larger than 8 oz and contain as much as 4 times what is in a normal cup of coffee or normal soft drink. When you see caffeine listed on the label of an energy drink, it is because it contains synthetic caffeine.
If you're seeking a convenient all natural method to enhance energy, performance, vitality, and mental clarity - bHIP Energy is your answer. Truly "A New Breed of Energy"
bHIP's proprietary energy formula consists of ingredients backed by over 2,000 years of medical research. bHIP's Scientific Formulators are proud of being a category creator by delivering a Healthy "herbal clean energy" to the beverage industry. bHIP Energy has created a new dynamic for all of the sports drink and energy drink categories.
If you're serious about taking your energy to the next level - bHIP Energy delivers the nutrients you need in a delicious, fast acting, long lasting formula that's convenient to carry - anywhere . . . Just mix 1 packet with 8 ounces of water, shake, and enjoy!
Compare the Top 4 Selling Brands Worldwide with bHIP Energy: It is good all the time. |