2007-09-04 14:11:02LKKGEIST

K). [2007 據國際法,"台灣國"到底缺少了何"要件"]:?

[2007 據國際法,”台灣國”到底缺少了何”要件”]:?

國際法高手們應針對”要件”以研對之! 在法律上,...

[International law Article 1]:國際法,第一條
國家的要件有 the following qualifications:
(a) a permanent Population;
(b) a defined Territory; (Territorial Sovereignty)*
(c) Government; and
(d) Capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

*爭議之要件在(b)a defined Territory;(Territorial Sovereig)

[論 點]:

[I]. During the WWII period, two documents known as
the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation
expressed the intention to return Taiwan to the
Republic of China after the war.
The Japanese Surrender documents repeated this
statement of intent........On September 2, 1945,
in General Order No. 1, General Douglas MacArthur
delegated the Japanese surrender ceremonies on
Taiwan to Chiang Kai-shek.
(U.S.認是”Military occupation” but not ”Annexation”)

即. ROC 主張台灣是 ROC 的土地.因 1943開羅宣言 & 波茨坦公約..
PROC 主張台灣是 PRC 的土地.因 PRC 是 ROC 政權之延續. (UN 之慣例.)

[II].Certain important questions need to be asked:
(1) During WWII, who liberated ”Formosa and the Pescadores”?
(2) Who is the principal occupying power?
(3) What flag was raised at the surrender ceremonies?
(4) When did the military occupation begin? Has it ended?
(5) What flag was raised upon the coming into effect of the peace treaty?

以此 USA 主張 台灣是 US Insular Area 土地!
因, the United States did accept the surrender of
Japanese troops on September 26th, 1945.
(U.S. military forces were already in Taiwan for the
establishment of the High Commission in Taiwan on Sept. 27th 1945)
-- the Montevideo Convention and Territorial Cession --

[US policy statements]:

1950 Truman Statement (June 27, 1950) regarding the
status of Taiwan as being ”undetermined”

1972 Shanghai Communique (Feb. 28, 1972):
The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on
either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is
but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China.
The United States Government does not challenge
that position.
It reaffirms its interest in a peaceful settlement of
the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves.
1972 One China Policy :
Acknowledgement of the PRC position that Taiwan is part of China

1998 Three Noes (June 1998): We don’t support
(A) independence for Taiwan; or
(B) ”two Chinas” or ”one Taiwan, one China”; and
(C) we don’t believe that Taiwan should be a member in any organization for which statehood is a requirement.

1979 Taiwan Relations Act

2004 Powell Statement (Oct. 25, 2004):
”Taiwan is not independent.
It does not enjoy sovereignty as a nation,
and that remains our policy, our firm policy.”

?(Taiwan is actually an overseas territory of the United States.)?

 1).(1945)年,[日本無條件降書](Unconditional Surrender of Japan);
 2).執行 (1945)年,[波茨坦"宣言"](Potsdam Declaration);
 3).實施 (1943)年,《開羅宣言》(Cairo "Declaration");


1945 Potsdam Declaration C.jpg

笑笑 2007-12-05 21:30:00
