2019-06-07 17:13:01vzdvl3tjzhfh

【新款精品推薦】Nike Air VaporMax Flyknit Utility - 12325051 折價卷下殺

不過剛好最近家裡的舊的Nike Air VaporMax Flyknit Utility - 12325051 壽終正寢!!!!~~~~~淚奔......

寶貝說他同事也有買 ,兩個禮拜下來感覺真的很不錯喔!!

所以我跟寶貝馬上googe一下,找看看有沒有Nike Air VaporMax Flyknit Utility - 12325051 推薦評比或價格比較!!












AIR 再升級。


功能是 Nike Air VaporMax Flyknit Utility 鞋款的主要考量; 特別設計讓綁鞋帶更輕鬆快速,鞋領則可舒適包覆腳踝。這款跑鞋以原創款為基礎,在足部和創新的 VaporMax 避震氣墊之間增添緩震機能, 


足部和 VaporMax 氣墊之間的全長泡棉層,讓本鞋款較原創款更為柔軟、支撐力更佳,造就出輕盈有彈性的奔馳體驗,同時又能提升穩定性。


中足兩條伸縮束帶搭配鞋帶,可避免足部在鞋內滑動移位; 栓扣設計則利於快速束緊&特惠人氣商品#x53CA;固定鞋帶,方便迅速調整,隨時出發。


創新的 Max Air 緩震系統結合泡棉,造就&折價卷下殺#x8F15;量有彈性的穿著感受。


  • Flyknit 結構從腳趾到腳踝包覆足部,帶來有如襪子般貼合的輕盈著感。



  • 橡膠外底

  • 拉帶

  • 反光細節設計
  • 顯示顏色: Moon Particle/黑色/白色
  • 款式: AH6834-201
  • 原產國/地區: 中國



Air VaporMax 象徵了 Nike 創新的新紀元。「它徹頭徹尾改造了 Air 的設計哲學。」緩震創新設計師 Zachary Elder 表示。他們先重新調整了 Air 氣墊的結構,直接將氣墊加到鞋面上。「那真是個超級大挑戰。」資深鞋款設計師 Tom Minami 如此說道,但成品非常值得。「捨去中底或鞋墊之後,就能以全然不同的方式去感受 Air。」前幾代 Air Max 鞋款的設計目標,是要在鞋底加入越多 Air 越好,但 VaporMax 的重點則是:有效率地運用 Air。「每一次的踏步,各凸點會被推入 Air 氣墊,增加壓力,」Elder 說明。「抬起腳時,壓力獲得釋放,就能造就回彈作用。」從概念發想到產品真正製作出來歷經了七年的時間,能夠有今天的成績,Elder 與 Minami 都感到非常興奮。「我對這項產品感到非常自豪,」Elder 說道。「這個嶄新方向不只對 Air 意義非凡,對於 Nike 來說也是一個巨大的轉捩點。」

Flyknit 緣起

Nike Flyknit 技術靈感源自於跑者們的寶貴意見,他們持續追求如襪子般的極致貼合機能,希冀能發掘讓人感覺不到存在的跑鞋。於是 Nike 與一組由程式設計師、工程師與設計師組成的團隊攜手合作,展開為期四年的研發任務,目標是開創能回應此需求的技術,製作具穩固元素的針織鞋面,實現結構感和耐久性。接下來則是要將支撐力、靈活度和透氣性精準配置在單一層體上,同時進行微調。最終打造出羽量輕盈、貼合足形且幾乎完全沒有接縫的鞋面。除了擁有前所未見的精準貼合度,利於發揮最佳表現之外,相較於傳統製鞋的剪裁及縫製過程,還可減少材料浪費。每雙 Flyknit 鞋款相當於使用了六個回收塑膠瓶,讓數百萬磅的材料免於被送至垃圾掩埋場的命運。

訂單金額滿新臺幣 4,500 元即享免費標準運送服務

  • 標準運送的商品可於 2-5 個工作天內送達
  • 快遞運送的商品可於 2-3 個工作天內送達

  • 標準運送的商品可於 3-6 個工作天內送達
  • 快遞運送的商品可於 3-5 個工作天內送達

訂單皆於星期一至星期五之間處理與寄送 (國定假日除外)

NikePlus 會員可享免費退貨退貨政策例外情況

4 顆星

I was worried

jadew381629170 - Feb 13, 2019

I was really worried when I first or the shoes because I read the reviews order them anyway when the shoes came I was very excited first problem they do fit small thankfully and customer service talk to me and let me know I might need a size up went to the return process that had me worried but now that they're here I have never been more satisfied very comfortable looks good but just a little pricey I still love them thank you Nike just a add bottom for work but they look too good

defective shoe

LeoV898871764 - Dec 18, 2018

my very first order online at nike.com and shoes came defective. it is very visible defect not sure how they missed it. very disappointing. in last 4 years it is 2nd defective shoe i get from nike.

Incredible shoes

mb6464 - Dec 06, 2018

Just got these today and I am so happy that I did they are by far the most comfortable shoe ive ever worn and they look great too. I read some of the other reviews and was kind of worried that the opening wouldn't be big enough to get my foot in to but for me I had no such problem they went on really easy there also incredibly light which is also a plus. I highly recommend these. They are true to size.





Nike Air VaporMax Flyknit Utility - 12325051 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時





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