2008-06-01 23:11:48Vivvv ♥

31/5; End of season :/

Pic: Basketball Jersey, #6 :D

Basketball game at Dulwich Shanghai was really fun :D
It’s the last game before the end of the whole season :/
I’ll miss you guys sooo much!
SSIS 2 rocks ^^

Reached Singa Plaza at 6:55 am,
I wasn’t late ;D
While waiting the others to reach,
I went to buy my breakfast with Carina at Franco Papa :D
Egg sandwhich ^^

On the bus towards Shanghai,
Everyone wasn’t too noisy or high,
That’s what waking up early in the morning do to you.
Hehe [:
Me and Sarah talked ’bout very random stuff throughout the whole bus ride -.-

SSIS 2 needed an extra person,
So Qiaoyan came over from SSIS 1.
Reached Dulwich at around 9:15 or something.
The first game starts at 9:55 so we had quite alot of time to just sit around (:
First 2 games were awesome,
We played really well [:
Won one game against SMIC, 8 : 0
That’s the only score I remembered out of all five games X.x
We won the second one as well

Pic: Qiaoyan, Me, Carina, Jenny ^^
Love you guys [:

We had a break inbetween,
Before the third game started,
Me, Qiaoyan, Carina and Jenny went to the tiolet to take pics! {;
We all got pretty high in the tiolet :D
Haoyu and Cinthy were just like,
You guys are still in the tiolets ?!
We even did our stretches in the tiolet ^^

The third game went well,
We were against Dulwich,
We won !:D

The fourth game was terrible,
We were against another SMIC team,
They shoot really well damn accurate,
And number 3 is super tall and super fast.
So we lost to them :X
The team was super tired and hungryy -.-
Can’t believe they didn’t sell lunch or anything in the school,
SSIS 1 at Concordia got pizza-.-
So Mr. Donahue and some others went down the street to get food,
I didn’t go cause I got a blister on my small toe :/
Carina, Jenny and Qiaoyan didn’t go as well :D
Sometime later,
Mr. Donahue and the rest came back..
Mr. Donahue bought us saugage with bread :D
Hehe, they were good ^^
Thanks Mr. Donahue [:

Fifth game started real soon,
I wanted to play even though i had the blister on my toe..
So I ended up with a very painful foot -.-
Th fifth game was good,
We won as well :D

Pic: Carina, Jenny and my starbucks ^^

So the games all ended at around 2,
But we couldn’t go back yet,
Cause we couldn’t find the driver -.-
The bus was there,
Without the driver,
So cool [:

So anyways,
Carina, Jenny, Qiaoyan and me decided to walk down the street to the little shopping place they had for some starbucks while waiting :D
Yummmm {:
Ms. Anne then called,
Saying that the bus was coming,
So we had to rush back to Dulwich o.O
We reached back at like, 3:05
And Mr. Donahue was like,
You girls are late by 7 minutes -.-

The bus ride back was super fun :DD
The whole bus was soooo noisy
Unlike the boys bus, damn quiet..
We all were really high,
Me, Fio, Jenny, Carina and Qiaoyan were playing Fuzzy duck [:
And we also played 给我 tempo :D
While Sarah slept -.-

Reached Singa Plaza soon,
Went to Starbucks again lol,
With Qiaoyan, Carina, Sarah, SeongHyun and Ben
Sat there for awhile,
The went to the playground again!:D

Pic: Qiaoyan, Me, Tanchi and Carina’s feet on the cycle thingy:D

We went to play the cycling thingy again..
Was very fun [:
Then then,
We all got hungry so we went to eat at Mr. Pizza,
But Tanchi didn’t come cause she had to go home

Today was great anyhow ^^

上一篇:24/5 - 25/5 ; Basketball!

下一篇:7/6 ; Saturday

shawntan 2008-06-02 21:24:39

haha u won 4 games.quite good seh.bagus lah haha.haha link me arh

SSIS 2 rocks lahh :D
Of course we`re good :D
Ah sorry, being zilian -.-
Linked you alrdy [:

2008-06-02 21:58:23
Sarahh :D 2008-06-02 20:49:45

And neh-nanny-neh-neh you got a blister! :D
Sorry, that part was just very funny -.-

I was tired too lor,
But then got soo high i forgot bout even sleeping,
Hahah :D

Mean lehh you -.-
You got a scrapeeeee ^^

2008-06-02 21:56:50