2016-07-26 14:34:29virginjdr4xnw

新竹家教網 線上學英文免費 part owner中文意思是什麼

    英文學習計畫 家教網站英文學習方法 線上日語課程全民英檢初級複試 線上英文家教桃園英文補習班推薦 聽英文背單字 線上英語教學 推薦英文補習班桃園 toeic單字網路全民英檢 全民英檢中級文法 法文家教台北商用英語對話 英文自傳生活英文對話 免費線上英文發音 台北英文補習



part owner中文意思是什麼

part owner解釋


  • part: n 1 部分,一部分;局部 (opp Whole)。 ★此義常省去不定冠詞。 如: a great part of one s money I l...
  • owner: n 物主,所有人;【商業】貨主;〈海軍俚〉艦長。 a house owner 房主。 an owner of lost property 失...

  • For example, the preemptive right of renter has the effectiveness of real right, while the preemptive right of part owner has only the effectiveness of claim

    托福課程 補習導師英文 有的具有物權效力,如承租人的先買權;有的僅具有債權效力,如共有人的先買權。
  • In current in effect laws of our country, there are some sporadic regulations about the preemptive right of renter, part owner, copartner and shareholder, but have n ' t formed an uniform legal system about it

  • Other more, we should establish benefit sharing system that means providers will share part of benefit of gene patent from the owner of patent. this system apply to not only parties in a country, but also to parties in different countries, which will maintain the interest balance between owner of patent with state and between developed countries and undeveloped countries

  • The 43 - year - old jordan, a part - owner of the charlotte bobcats, led the bulls to six nba titles and was a five - time league mvp. he lives in highland park, ill. a formal written application requesting a court for a specific judicial action

  • The copyright business refers to the action that the attorney or user of copyright transfers or authorizes others the whole or part of the property rights of the copyright with the permission of the copyright owner


    parson, part music, part off, part singing, part song, part work

    part owner中文意思是英語會話家教 全民英檢gept什麼
      免費學英文下載 中高級英檢 英文家教鐘點費2015gept中級初試 商用英文會話兒童美語學習網站 全民英?英文文章 免費英文app說英語 學習英文的方法英語學習網 學習英語的方法 用美國小學課本學英文如何學好英語 新竹 英文 一對一新竹家教網 線上學英文免費美語補習班 英文補習班推薦 線上發音 英文溝通技巧 英檢報名時間
