2016-07-22 10:55:25virginjdr4xnw

全民英檢報名表 英語教學 商用英文檢定 killed parenteral vaccine中文意思是什麼

    高階美語 gept英檢美語補習班 雅思英檢 外籍英文家教鐘點費臺中英文家教行情 我想學英文 英檢報名美語老師 線上學英文免費國小伴讀 英文 ielts基礎英文課程 新竹英文補習班推薦西班牙文老師 聽廣播學英文 全民英檢中級單字下載伴讀家教 英文學習網 家教行情



killed parenteral vaccine中文意思是什麼

killed parenteral vaccine補習班查詢 學英語方法


  • killed: adj. 1. 被殺死的;被屠宰的。2. 【冶金】鎮靜的。3. 【化學】飽和了的。4. 斷開的。5. (疫苗等)不再有傳染力的。
  • parenteral: adj. 1. 非腸道的,不經腸道的。2. 不經消化道帶進體內的〈如經過皮下或靜脈注射〉。n. 一種腸道外注射物。adv. -ly
  • vaccine: adj. 牛痘的;預防疫苗的;種痘的。n. 1. 疫苗,牛痘苗;菌苗。2. 【計算機】免疫程序軟體,抗病毒軟體。

  • Assuming that his family had been killed during an air-raid, hans settled down in a village fifty miles away.

  • The aum cult renamed itself aleph in 2000. its founder, shoko asahara, is in prison awaiting execution for the tokyo subway attack, which killed 12 people

    奧姆真理教在2000年更名為「阿萊夫」 ,創始人麻原彰晃因東京地鐵襲擊案正在監獄中等候死刑的執行。
  • Influenza may be prevented by active immunization with a polyvalent killed or subunit vaccine

  • Living vaccine and killed vaccine have some formidable drawback, so biological technology vaccine, for example, gene vaccine and genetic engineering vaccine, is under the circumstances

  • There are two types of vaccines that protect against influenza. the " flu shot " is an inactivated vaccine containing killed virus that is given with a needle


    killed or wounded, killed organism, killed parenteral, killed rubber, killed spirit, killed spirits

    killed parenteral vaccine中文意思是什麼

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