2016-07-14 03:46:00Viola

Tomie DePaola’s 《The Legend of the Bluebon-net》

I met Tomie DePaola’s The Legend of the Bluebonnetin San Antonio. That was the first winter since I moved to the Unit-ed States. I had no idea about the bluebonnet at that time. I even had not encountered the state flower of Texas yet.

I took this book off my bookshelf last week because of Kathy’s Book Club at FUMC. I was still touched by this old tale of Tex-as, especially when the little girl, She-Who-Is-Alone, sacrificed her doll, the only stuff left from her family, to save her people from drought and famine.

The last paragraph of Author’s Note says,” Even though the l-egend of the bluebonnet is a tale about the origin of a flower, for me it is more a tale of the courage and sacrifice of a young people. She-Who-Is-Alone’s act of thrusting her beloved doll i-nto the fire to save her people represents the decisive sort of action that many young people are capable of, the kind of sel-fless action that creates miracles.”

Those words make me think of generations of young Taiwane-se. They attended various social movements and political acti-vities for democracy, freedom and justice of Taiwan. They sac-rificed their youth, family, possession, happiness and lives for a better society, a better country. Even though Taiwan is such a small nation.

Thanks all the young people of my country.



* Tomie DePaola’s The Legend of the Bluebonnet



Viola, 2016/06/27 evening at Austin