2013/5/27 夜晚
千羽鶴 676
2013/5/29 凌晨
千羽鶴 677
2013/5/29 紐約的夜晚
I’m so lucky that I live with my husband at Austin rather than New York.
2013/5/30 凌晨
千羽鶴 678
2013/5/30 夜晚
I was very uncomfortable standing among the crowd at Times Square today. I think I don’t belong to New York or any other big city.
2013/5/30 夜晚
千羽鶴 679
2013/5/31 夜晚
《Let the Whole Earth Sing Praise》differs from any other Tomie de Paola book in terms of topic and style, but I love it anyway. I bought it at the celebrated BOOKS of WONDER today.
跟著鍾芳玲的《書店風景》,今天你和獅小民搭地鐵到曼哈頓的第十八街,去瞧瞧全美知名的獨立兒童書店「BOOKS of WONDER」。你的戰利品是Tomie de Paola的《Let the Whole Earth Sing Praise》。若不是書店將Tomie dePaola的書都陳列在一塊兒,你一定不會想到作者是他。這本書的畫風實在太不像Tomie的其他作品了,文字更是出奇地簡短。但是這本小書有一種溫柔的力量,讓你心甘情願把它帶走。