2013-05-16 02:49:53Viola


2013/5/10 晚餐後


The sound of stir-frying on the stove always makes me think of my mother performing the same culinary skill at many an evening in my childhood.


2013/5/10 夜晚

千羽鶴 0619


2013/5/11 午餐後


I've just noticed that dog and human snore alike.


2013/5/11 午後


A man and two dogs took nap at the same time,leaving me the only one awake. What a quiet afternoon.


2013/5/12 凌晨

千羽鶴 0620


2013/5/12 夜晚

千羽鶴 0621


2013/5/13 傍晚

千羽鶴 0623


2013/5/13 夜晚


◎ 獅小民的〈史前史─口述考古學〉以及你的〈愛情地圖‧其一:十八號二樓〉

When I talked to my younger sister's family over Skype this morning, my nephew Yi-yi showcased his toy cars, magnets...literally every his favorite little thing on a stool he moved to the front ofcamera. He also played me several recently acquired tunes on his electronicorgan. He reminded me of my husband who seems always expresses how much he loves me in the very same way, which betrays the five-year-old boy inside the grown-up I married.

