2005-12-09 23:14:59nobody

ⓤ christmas ⓜ

這十二月 是祝福的季節 雖然寒冷 但是人跟人之間讓人覺得溫暖,,

12/21我們要比賽聖誕歌优** 好開心,,

You better watch out; you better not cry;
Better not pout; I'm telling you why:
Santa Claus is comin' to town.

He's making a list and checking it twice;
Gonna find out who's naughty or nice:
Santa Claus is comin' to town.
He sees you when you're sleepin';
He knows when you're awake;
He knows if you've been bad or good;
So be good for goodness sake.

12/23 姐妹们 要不要來南崁的聖誕party呀(?)^^ 有蘇打綠樂團噢(沒聽過,,)
好high 好high^^ 我愛christmas///

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