2014-09-05 23:21:25vellvva3j2r

Get The Facts

Porn addiction is a behavioral addiction that can see improvements with the right treatment. Porn addiction rehab centers offer someone who is suffering from this affliction the counseling and treatment they need to break their dependence on pornography. Porn addiction rehab programs aim to help addicts restore balance to their lives and help them understand the destructive nature of their behavior and how to deal with their urges in a healthy manner. Information on Porn Addiction

These are just a few things to watch out for but the one thing you should always remember is to have open and honest communication with the person you love who is dealing with pornography addiction. Many times their addiction comes from a traumatic event in their childhood or something more recent like a job loss. In this next section we will talk about some ways family members can try to understand why their loved one is addicted to pornography.

Pastor Jones knows he is not the only person in church leadership that deals with a porn addiction. The statistics are startling. Fifty percent of Christian men and 20 percent of Christian women admit that they are addicted to pornography ( June 07). Fifty-one percent of pastors say cyber porn is a possible temptation; 37 percent say it is a current struggle ( Christianity Today Leadership Survey, December 2001). Of Promise Keepers attendees, one of the largest Christian men’s conferences in the U.S., 53 percent admitted to viewing pornography regularly ( Internet Filter Review, 2006).

Prolonged viewing or pornography - books, magazines, movies, or Internet pornography - that has destructive effects on the life of a person is the basic definition of an addiction to pornography. The symptoms revolve around problems with relationships and sinking a lot of time (longer and longer periods) into viewing pornography. Psychotherapy and counseling have been shown to be very effective at breaking the addiction to pornography. Symptoms of / Reasons for Pornography Addiction

The problem that I have with the porn addiction label is that it changes the focus from the person to the porn, and when people have problems with pornography use, the problem is invariably related to their personal relationship and their level of sexual desire,” Ley said. “But those issues don’t have to do with pornography. It has to do with the person. Porn isn’t the problem, the person is. But when we use the porn addiction label, it takes the focus away.”