2014-09-05 21:16:01vellvva3j2r

How Do I Escape Pornography Addiction?

Basically, the visual images of pornography associate themselves with the dopamine release you receive from pleasure. And in turn, you become less sensitive to sexual images, meaning it can become harder for you to be turned on by reality. You’ll also be compelled to seek out porn more and more often, of course. It’s a pretty har— Tough. YouTube.

We need better methods to help people who struggle with the high frequency use of visual sexual stimuli, without pathologizing them or their use thereof," writes Ley, who is critical about the pseudoscientific yet lucrative practices surrounding the treatment of so-called porn addiction. "Rather than helping patients who may struggle to control viewing images of a sexual nature, the "porn addiction" concept instead seems to feed an industry with secondary gain from the acceptance of the idea.

A porn addiction is often hard for many people to diagnose. Although some people can use porn to spice up their relationships, others might turn to porn obsessively or compulsively. Those who fall in the latter category might suffer from a porn addiction. A porn addiction can cause you to reduce the amount of time you spend socializing, and it might make you sexually unresponsive, according to Fox News. If your partner becomes more demanding or uncharacteristically rough during intercourse, it might indicate they’re struggling with a porn addiction. Exhibition and Voyeurism
porn addiction
However, let’s first be brutally honest. Your husband is probably addicted to more than porn. We make a serious error to talk simply of “porn addiction.” Pornography is a gateway drug that facilitates or works with many other compulsive sexual behaviors. We ought to be using the term “sex addiction.” To talk of addiction to pornography both minimizes the issue (since pornography is so gratuitously accepted) and ignores the reality that there are probably even more serious behaviors involved.

Since your boyfriend has likely experienced continuous use since he was very young, his brain’s neural network has become wired for this stimulus and will not welcome the elimination of it. Pornography compulsion/addiction is deeply rooted in the physiological and emotional systems. Porn use affects how we relate to one another and how one works through the stresses and challenges of everyday life. Porn acts as both a numbing agent to dull outside stress and also acts as an internal stimulant and can generate the feel-good aspects of everyday life (being chosen; to be victorious; experiencing sexual intimacy) although they are contrived through porn use.