2006-04-06 18:25:39Vasyl
狗怪的 GNU "automake"
最近遇到一個怪問題,就是當我要用autoconf來產生configure。卻是頻頻慘遭滑鐵盧,於是找了gentoo forums,他們的大多數答案都是remerge automake autoconf and libtool等東西。可是錯誤依舊存在,最後還試過大陸某位『大爺』說到系統裡automake & autoconf維持一個版本就好,好吧~那我就死馬當活馬醫。
vasyl # emerge -P automake autoconf
vasyl eaccelerator # phpize
ac-wrapper: /usr/bin/autoconf-2.13 is missing or not executable.
Please try emerging the correct version of autoconf
vasyl eaccelerator # phpize
ac-wrapper: /usr/bin/autoconf-2.13 is missing or not executable.
Please try emerging the correct version of autoconf
而後也試了一陣子,gentoo依舊需要depend到先前的版本,因此在remerge autoconf-wrapper automake-wrapper時都會把先前的automake-(oldversion) and autoconf-(old version)在裝入,此方案只好作罷。那麼繼續在google雲海中尋覓;終於發現了這位老兄的blog( http://www.olivierhill.ca/ ) 真是太神了 ^_^ ! 先來試一下。
vasyl eaccelerator # WANT_AUTOMAKE="1.9" $PHP_PREFIX/bin/phpize
帥 ~~~ 就是那麼簡單!
vasyl eaccelerator # WANT_AUTOMAKE="1.9" $PHP_PREFIX/bin/phpize
帥 ~~~ 就是那麼簡單!
photo reference : gentoo 、 xinhua