2005-07-19 15:54:33失落的靈魂伴侶

Miss You Not : 不想妳

If I could only,
Be given one second of your thought,
I’d be in ecstasy, be that in heaven or hell…

And I told myself,
Miss you not…
‘cus you are here with me in every breath…

Miss you not…
‘cus your warmth lingers here even when we are apart…

Miss you not…
‘cus my world revolves around you at the moment,
be that my doom, my fate…

Miss you,
Miss you not…

只是一秒鐘, 妳的思緒,
我已無求, 不論將入天堂或是地獄…

… 不想妳…
因為妳一直在這裡, 我每一次的呼吸裡…

… 不想妳…
因為就算分隔兩地, 妳的溫度仍存留在我的指尖…

… 不想妳…
詛咒也好, 命運也罷…

我, 想妳…
我, 不想妳…

上一篇:What am I to do : 我該如何
