2009-09-30 22:05:55van Persie


2009年對Federer是重收失地的一年,也是登上巔峰的一年,但也是我對他看法開始改變的一年,今年Wimbledon的獲勝讓他超越Sampras的記錄,讓他志得意滿,賽前的入場他的穿著像一個Model不像一個網球選手蠻令人訝異的,賽後的頒獎典禮,他穿著他象徵15冠的外套走上頒獎台妄自尊大,無視旁人的感受,而他的獲獎感言更像是在嘲笑他的對手,似乎Roddick命中注定就應該輸給你,頒獎典禮上FedererHe played unbelievable』『don’t be too sad, I went through some rough ones as well, one on this court last year.』 I came back and won』 這時Roddick打斷他的演說Yeah,』『but you had won it five times by then.Federer笑著說I won five, but still, it hurts.Unfortunately, in tennis, there has to be a winner sometimes, and today I was on the lucky side.』





去年11月上海大師盃中Federer輸給Andy Murray,賽後找了一堆藉口…when you play on the offensive, it’s you who decide how you move, where you put the ball.』『When you’re on the defensive ,you know ,this is where you can’t control what you’re going to do.』『Obviously you have to always pick the offensive game plan.』『That then has a lot to do with a lot of errors.』 『Sometimes you look like an idiot, as well.』『But you don’t have an option sometimes.』『…Here I play two hours, in the morning I can hardly wake up. On top of that, I got sick.』『All those things just made it really difficult today, this week.』『But on the serve, I never felt comfortable all week.』『You know, I started to feel better and better as the tournament went on, but today obviously energy sort of went away.』對他而言輸好像都是些外在因素所造成,不是他個人技術的問題。而問到他Andy Murray有沒有可能繼Rafa之後成為你另一個競敵時,他則輕視的說Hmm. I mean, difficult, I guess.』『At the moment it’s Rafa and myself.』『I really still feel it’s that way because, what has it been, three French Open finals in a row, plus a semi, two Wimbledon finals in a row.


這次美網的挫敗也許是老天要殺殺他的銳氣和傲氣吧!2個失誤、50%一發成功率、11個雙發失誤確實不像他的風格,比賽中跟裁判的爭執也可以看到他的恃才傲物的一面,我在2秒後便要挑戰,可是他卻在10秒後才提出 別叫我冷靜,我不管你說什麼垃圾,別跟我提這她媽的規則記得當初鷹眼制度要實施時他很反對,我也反對,但這三年用下來他也不是多次成為了受益者呢!而這時又何必厚此薄彼呢!看看女網那邊,小威在媒體面前不斷嗆Safina『沒拿過大滿貫的世界第一』,而在半決賽中的失態再次顯露出她那飛揚跋扈的醜態,名利可以使一個人腐化,希望Federer將來不會變的和她一樣。