2019-03-08 10:27:10uukiy2cq0qwq
【彌月送禮推薦】chicco Stroller Fully 必買清單
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Chicco Stroller Fully 設計式樣: Power Blue · 2019
The Fully by Chicco is versatile, comfortable and masters any terrain with ease. It's the perfect stroller for parents who are looking for a simple and intuitive solution in everyday life with a baby from birth and up.
The seat unit can be transformed into a購買特賣 semi-hard carrycot in just a few simple steps. After coming home from a walk, you can easily remove the carrycot from the chassis without disturbing your baby lying in it. The built-in handle makes it particularly easy for you to transport the carrycot.
The Chicco infant car seat KeyFit (not included in delivery!) can also be attached to the chassis. Ball bearings, shock absorbers and rubber tyres on all 4 wheels provide an easy and comfortable ride irrespective of the terrain.
Super convenient - by using an additional seat unit (not included in delivery!) the Fully can be transformed into a double stroller. Then the versatile Fully offers a total of 19 possible uses - that way, there is the right solution for everyone. For example, the sports seat can be attached to the chassis facing each other.
The push bar is height adjustable so that you can adapt it to your height easily. Thanks to special adaptors, you can also adjust the height of the seat unit which makes you get even closer to your little adventurer. Backrest, seat unit and footrest are also be adjusted in several different positions.
The soft padded inner covers of the carrycot offer your child ample comfort during naps and the wind protection blanket, which can also be used as a foot cover for the sports seat, protects your little one against draughts and keeps him/ her warm and cosy.
- Suitable from birth up to 36 months (max. body weight of 15 kg)
- Convertible to double stroller by using additional seat unit (not included in delivery!) - 19 possible uses
- Height-adjustable push bar with premium faux leather
- Extendible canopy with mesh pocket and soother holder
- Reversible and height-adjustable seat unit
- Including pedal, which makes mastering kerbsides and small obstacles super easy
- One-hand folding mechanism
- Including rain cover, adaptors, 2in1 foot cover
- Mudguards on the rear wheels
- Large shopping basket
- Padded central bar and shoulder pad
- Dimensions: unfolded L 87-106 x W 63 x H 94-108 cm, folded L 39 x W 63 x H 82 cm
- Weight: chassis 10.5 kg, total weight with seat unit 13.5 kg
chicco Stroller Fully
真實版《水底情深》? 科學家發明人造鰓 水中呼吸不是夢
電影《水底情深》中,出現了一個長有魚鰓的類人生物。而現實世界,英國皇家藝術學院(RCA)設計師則運用 3D 列印打造出一種人造魚鰓「Amphibio」,預計未來可幫助人們在水下待更久。
科學家過去估計至 2100 年時,全球溫度會上升 3.2℃,導致海平面上升,淹沒沿海地區的數個大型城市,並影響全球 30% 以上人口。RCA 材料科學家亀井潤認為,隨著海平面上升,未來人類將和水域生活密切,有鑑於此,Kamei 與 RCA-IIS 東京設計實驗室共同打造出這款設計,盼能藉此協助人們更適應未來可能出現的「兩棲生活」。Amphibio 的靈感主要來自懂得潛水的昆蟲,這些昆蟲透過表面的超疏水性維持一層薄薄的空氣,就像魚鰓一樣進行氣體交換並得以在水下生存。
Amphibio 仍需要大量改良,但亀井相信,這項發明或許將提供人們在自由潛水和水肺潛水之外的選擇,「不久的將來,Amphibio 將讓佩戴者比自由潛水時在水下停留更長時間,同時攜帶的設備比水肺潛水更輕盈。」
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