2007-09-14 20:53:58ㄋ誰呀

◎Proud Of You

⊙你眼中,充滿著愛意,   ⊙Love in your eyes,
靜靜的,坐在我身旁。    Sitting silent by my side;
沿途牽著你的手,      Going on Holding hand,
漫步整個晚上。       Walking through the nights,

˙抱起我、抱緊我,     ˙Hold me up Hold me tight,
讓我能‥觸摸到天空!    Lift me up to touch the sky!
教導我‥如何用心去愛,   Teaching me to love with heart,
也幫助我‥把心打開!    Helping me open my mind!

˙我會飛了!        ˙I can fly!
我很驕傲‥我會飛了!    I’m proud that I can fly!
給我最好的感覺,      To give the best of mine,
直到時光停止。       Till the end of the time.

˙相信我‥真的會飛了!   ˙Believe me I can fly!
我很驕傲‥我會飛了!    I’m proud that I can fly!
給我最好的感覺,      To give the best of mine,
天堂就在‥天空之中。    The heaven in the sky.

⊙星星們,在天空裡,    ⊙Stars in the sky,
希望有一天‥        Wishing once upon a time,
會有愛給我,讓我微笑,   Give me love Make me smile,
直到我的生命,結束為止。  Till the end of life.

˙抱起我、抱緊我!     ˙Hold me up Hold me tight!
讓我能‥觸摸到天空!    Lift me up to touch the sky!
教導我‥如何用心去愛,   Teaching me to love with heart,
也幫助我‥把心打開!    Helping me open my mind!

˙我會飛了!        ˙I can fly!
我很驕傲‥我會飛了!    I’m proud that I can fly.
給我最好的感覺,      To give the best of mine,
直到時光停止。       Till the end of the time.

˙相信我‥真的會飛了!   ˙Believe me I can fly!
我很驕傲‥我會飛了!    I’m proud that I can fly!
給我最好的感覺,      To give the best of mine,
天堂就在‥天空之中。    The heaven in the sky.

⊙你不會相信‥       ⊙Can’t you believe,
你已照亮了‥我的道路!    that you light up my way,
沿途如何,         No matter how,
對我來說,都已不重要,    that ease my path,
我絕對不會‥失去我的信心! I’ll never lose my faith.

˙看著我飛,        ˙See me fly,
我很驕傲‥我飛得高,    I’m proud to fly up high,
給你看著‥最棒的我,    Show you the best of mine,
直到時光停止。       Till the end of the time.

˙相信我‥我真的會飛!   ˙Believe me I can fly!
我在天空之中,唱著歌曲;  I’m singing in the sky,
給你看著‥最棒的我,    Show you the best of mine,
天堂就在‥天空之中。    The heaven in the sky.

˙沒有事情,能阻止我‥   ˙Nothing can stop me,
打開翅膀,         Spread my wings
展翅高飛!   脶      so wide .    脶
