2007-12-05 16:05:34Anley

These guys really do deserve it!


這支隊伍,從菜鳥新秀變成中堅份子,Andy經歷過美網冠軍、年終第一,也遇過瓶頸,幾乎一冠難求(事實上現在也還很掙扎Orz),James走過傷病、父親離開的低潮,Bryan Bros.從被誤認為球童,到現在成為世界頭號雙打,Mardy、Robby…等曾經備受期待,現在卻是浮浮沉沉,很多都改變了,但依然存在的是他們渴望一座DC冠軍盃,他們可以放棄職業賽事的積分和獎金、願意捨棄放假休息的機會,和隊友一起奮戰DC。他們曾在降級邊緣徘徊,也一度非常接近冠軍,他們之中很多人都扮演過key man的角色,互相cover,所以這個final,他們都來到Portland,有些上場奮戰,有些在場邊打氣,奪冠後,他們一起開記者會,一起開香檳(只差不能一起領獎XD)。


最後的決賽,Andy、James、Bryan Bros.各拿一點,美國直落三獲勝,沒有人是這場冠軍賽的救世主,也許少了點張力,也不會成為DC史上的經典,但我卻認為這是最美麗的結局,也為DC做了最佳的詮釋,在這個辛苦的征途上,沒有人是配角,每個曾經投入其中的都是主角、都是英雄。


JAMES BLAKE: I wanted to add that Mardy is a part of the team. Robby is a part of the team. This team is not just this year. This team is from Winston-Salem in 2001, from Robby coming back from two sets to love down in Connecticut, from Mardy winning a huge match in Bratislava to make sure we didn’t get relegated.

This wasn’t just a one-year journey. This is a long time, and everyone on this stage has contributed in a big way and that’s why they’re here. We’re not just celebrating this, me, Andy and the Bryans and Patrick. Our whole team is going to celebrate. We’ve all felt like we’re a part of the team.

I want to make sure everyone knows this is not just four guys. This is every single person sitting up here.

鳥 :D 2007-12-15 23:18:23

我支持Andy Roddick=)

歡迎常來喔:) 2007-12-16 00:09:30