2007-05-14 17:31:32Anley




這一兩年Andy毛病很多耶!受傷頻繁,DC打到吐,現在又因為stomach virus影響比賽,還有Mardy也因為發燒退出雙打比賽,這些美國球員真是年紀愈大毛病愈多!

DC的準決賽Sweden”好像”選了室內硬地作為比賽場地,之前Sina的新聞有報導,Rome的賽後記者會中記者也有問Andy的看法,不過官網還未公佈正式消息,不過,不管場地是什麼,客場作戰肯定很辛苦,加上還有Gothenburg魔咒,所以大家還是要加油(廢話= =”)


不過紅土盡力而為是針對單打球員,Bryan Bros.可別鬆懈啊!上次拿法網冠軍是2003年的事了,今年要爭氣!!!



Andy Out of Hamburg

May 11th, 2007 03:43 pm
By Andyroddick.com Staff

Andy has opted to forgo next week’s tournament in Hamburg in an effort to best prepare for the French Open. “Andy is going to get back to Austin and really work hard on his fitness to get his strength back after the hamstring injury,” Coach John Roddick told Ar.com. Team Roddick will return stateside today.

“I came in here short on practice. I was battling a stomach virus for a little while.
So I don’t feel like I’m in as good a shape as I could be as a result of that. So somewhere between here and Roland Garros I’m going to have to get in shape,” Andy told reporters following a shaky match against Chela. Check back to Ar.com for more as Team Roddick gets back to the basics.



Last week I got in some solid training with Jimmy…really worked hard…got the weekend off to go to Vegas for my friend’s bachelor party and from the moment I arrived, I have never felt worse…I caught some sort of stomach virus and spent practically the entire weekend in my hotel room…not a pretty sight. .you don’t realize how good it is to feel healthy and normal until you feel sick…and being sick doesn’t agree with my personality at all…I can’t stand still…so when I’m sick, I drive myself crazy…..really hope all of you feel normal from here on out!



April 5th, 2007 05:04 am
By Andyroddick.com Staff

It was great being in Miami…some of my favorite restaurants are in south beach….obviously frustrated about the injury..just taking it one day at a time.

I haven’t been following American Idol, but it’s impossible to avoid the whole Sanjiya backlash, we even heard on the radio there is a guy somewhere who is on a hunger strike, and is going to fast until Sanjiya is kicked off the show. Impressive effort…good luck with that…

I am officially the worst at picking NCAA brackets. I mean, really, is it fantasy football yet? At least last year I sucked at it but no one knew…this year, we did a big ATP march madness pool, so now it’s pretty much public knowledge that I’m the worst.

Happy Birthday to Elton John. It’s unreal to think how much he has accomplished in 60 years.

Shout out to Bao Xishun – the world’s tallest man, 7 foot 9 got married..props!…relationships are never easy, and I’m guessing even harder when you are 8 feet tall…I still can’t get over the story where he saved two dolphins by reaching into their stomachs…

Have a little beef to pick with fans who yell “go Andy” when I play Andy Murray, it’s just funny…gotta go with last names in those matches…

有趣的在這裡,Andy要球迷當他對上Andy Murray的時候,別再喊“go Andy”啦!


This week there were several worthy of fines, including myself. I walked around the locker room for a solid ten minutes looking for my practice shirt until I bent down and it fell off my shoulder….to my defense it was wet so it just stuck there for a bit, but still..pretty bad. I’m not going down alone though…At Indian Wells, John walked into the shower door…it didn’t break but he left a noticeable mark on the glass..Ginger was in the airport Starbucks the other week and asked for coffee and said, “please leave room at the top for coffee”…she did this while wearing her sweatshirt backwards and inside out..impressive!…And my favorite; one of the ATP trainers went to use spray deodorant and ended up putting shaving cream all over the himself, classic!

Self Chuck…people who overuse cliché phrases. You hear it a lot in our business, “push the edge of the envelope”, “think outside of the box,” but most of the time it’s completely irrelevant and not motivating. My favorite is “you can’t have your cake and eat it to.” Honestly, I just don’t get that one. If it’s my cake, I’m eating it…WALL!

Butthead… The whole Donald Trump vs. Vince McMahon wrestle mania thing is pretty hilarious. For most guys, losing a bet and shaving their head would be a typical Friday night, but these two have made it into the biggest spectacle ever, they should both have to shave their heads for taking their hair so seriously.

上一篇:Trust Yourself
