夜半裡 漆黑無星的周遭 無底深淵 腦海裡的往昔 乘著銀色月光 瞬疾的來 迅即的去 恰似 妳我甜蜜熱戀的 從前 妳是否依舊佇立 一片黑的床前 那妖娆百媚的 身影 寒冷 流洩於地的 銀鍊 靜靜迤邐在床前 滿腔思念 悄悄 一句句 夢囈的樂章 可否重現伶俐紅顏 雙十年華的 俏麗 Middle of the night where
Dark, no star around
Bottomless pit
Past in the mind
Riding Silver moon
Instantaneous illness to
Immediately the go
Like the
You my sweet love
You whether it is still standing
One black and the bed
That enchanting hundred pro-
Stemming the flow in the ground
Silver chain
Quietly meandering in bed
Filled with thoughts
A sentence
The music of the balderdash of
The possibility to reproduce the clever roots
Two-decade China
落款於海南島 三亞 初夏 - |