2007-12-10 21:46:01U


Chris, Amy, Apple, May, Neol, Celia, Pui:

準備觀賞哪一齣戲? 想坐在哪一間餐廳詳談?

1. 最好22或29號
2. 想交換禮物 (上限80元)
3. 戲.....神探或魔間傳奇
4.餐廳....我不想增添may及celia事後打理的麻煩, 外出用膳會較好.
May@_@ 2007-12-17 15:27:01

Hey, what`s up ar?
For the messages I leave here, there will be a symbol:@_@,
so don`t mix up bor~
Yi?! Amy will still hv exam on 24/12?
same as me bor~
Chris is so good that she can hv her exam finished on 20/12.
Amy, u want gift from Uran?
I will also prepare birthday gift for u la~
I remember that yr BD is on 30 Dec~~

Hope u girls have a good time in X`mas~

Apple 2007-12-14 21:21:22

I think the photo show the...reception?
My office have one too, just traditional green.
Don`t want to make you disappointed, but I may not available in this Christmas...I will try, but cannot cfm.

chris 2007-12-14 12:37:51

also, 1 question to ask~
is this pic is taken in the toilet??
it`s so strange to hv a x`mas tree if it is a toilet......
where is it??