2005-01-16 00:17:42Grace

my school days

gloria and i have been gone to school for 4 days. everything is different from taiwan! the first day gloria and i were so nervous that we kept going to the restroom.(拉肚子) when i got home my whole body 酸痛的要命(haha...i'm too lazy to look up the dictionary). i guess i was really nervous! the second day was really not my day! i got lost and was late to my class. the security took all the stuydents that are late to class to a room, just like we see in the american movies. they wanted us to sit there for 1.5 hours!!! i cried when i got home! hey! i was a good student in taiwan! nobody will treat my like that! hahaha....=P
and the third and fourth day got better. gloria and i are a little bit famous now. because they thought we're twins. our friends often talk to the wrong person. then find out: aren't you gloria/grace?
and the securities have become really good friend with us because we often got lost or got into troubles. it was really fun!!! someone came and talked to us just because they wanted to find out if we are twins!
then, we became friends!
one of the securiry doesn't know that i have a sister and told me: it's really amazing! yesterday i saw you all around the campus! actually, it was just because gloria and i were in different places and we were trying to find her bag. isn't it fun?
there are only four classes in one day, but each class is 1.5 hours!
and there is only 5 minutes between the classes! we'll have to go to the next classroom during these 5 minutes and it's impossible to go to the restroom! i really hate that! that 5 minutes almost drive me crazy!