雪从云中降落,结晶状固体為冰,形成雪花。雪由小的冰颗粒組成而显得柔軟與多種大小不一的形狀。路上越發濕滑。真妮爾小鎮,還發生過一件大案。剛過了真妮爾小鎮,我指了指路旁示意淩涵櫻把車靠在路肩停下。「淩小姐,從現在開始,我們就是..」我在找適當的用辭,但我真的想不到其他的,我就繼續:「一個為生存下去的團隊。請相信我和給信心這團隊。」我直視著她的雙眼。「森...先生,我會做到最好的,請相信我。」淩涵櫻無畏的把手伸向我,我以堅定的眼神握上她的手說:「MAY THE BEST SURVIVED。現在讓我把車後的東西拿到車裡看看。等我。」說完後我把車盡量停靠在幾棵紅椮樹下好阻擋一下那漸漸彌密的雪花。我打開車後箱,襪子,網球熱身外套,褲子,還有那四排網球拍線。我把它們裝進網球袋後兩步坐回車裡。車頂,車的前後已蓋上雪花,擋風玻璃的雨刷在吃力的左右擺動。成弧形的拱形成抽像美感。ANDY WARHOL?我暗自欣賞著。「淩小姐,請把襪子外套穿上。」我慢慢的在雪花滿佈的公路上駕駛著。我看了看淩涵櫻,還好褲子是網球寬鬆熱身褲,不然真穿不上牛仔褲外。網球外套穿在黑皮機車夾克裡。「這另外的褲還有外套給你。」淩涵櫻把它遞給我。我在慢駛中一把脫去那石磨黑圓領恤衫。「等一下把它包著頭部。」「那你呢?」淩涵櫻帶疑問的看了看那圓領恤衫。「保暖。我這加上外套還可以。」我指了指我身上的長袖純棉汗衫還有在後座的短黑風衣外加淩涵櫻剛遞來的外套。「淩小姐,把球拍線拆了,用一頭穿在你褲的皮帶耳上,結節,然後...」「距離。」淩涵櫻熟練的拆掉球拍線包裝,問。
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I'm Steve Freitas, the Sheriff here in Sonoma County. I'd like to make a brief statement and then I will take some questions.
I'm pleased to announce that the Sheriff's Office has made a major break-thru in the investigation surrounding the murders of Jason Allen and Lindsay Cutshall that took place in August, 2004 in Jenner.
The Sheriff's Office has identified Shaun Gallon, a 38 year old resident of Forestville, California, as Jason and Lindsay's killer. Gallon was recently arrested for the murder of his brother in their Forestville home. Gallon is well known to Sheriff's Office Investigators, and early on in the Jenner murder investigation Gallon was a person of interest who detectives never ruled out as a possible suspect.
I'd like to a take moment to thank the other law enforcement agencies who assisted on this investigation over the years: The Santa Rosa Police Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, California State Parks and the California Department of Justice. Additionally, I want to thank the members of our community who have come forward with information on this case.