2011-01-19 17:34:17UJ4A愛你

group 9

Group9  UJ4A    1096204032 Kyle   1096204033 Susan

1096204046Joanne  1096204030 Stanley

World of Apple

Group:                 Name:                NO.______________

I.          Opening

II.       Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

1.     Introducing Bill Gates

2.     Introducing Steve Jobs

3.     Difference between Bill Gatesand Steve Jobs

III.    Comparison system between Appleand Microsoft

 1. Interface




Peek , Shake , Snap ,3D-Windows


____Internet Explorer___________

___i Work____

Microsoft Office

i Tunes

_Windows Media player_______________

__i Life_____

Windows Live Movies Maker

IV.    Amazing products of Apple →Joanne

 1.  ____iMac ____

 2.  ____iPod nano _

 3.  ______i Pad____

4.  ____ i Phone 4____

Risk of Abortion

Group:                        No.:                      Name:

I. Introduction:



II. Body:

1.     Status of abortion

A.   News

1. 1 Time: __2010/4/28________

   2 Place: ____Duch parliament____________

2. 1 Time: __2007/1/27________

   2 Place: ___capital of Portugal_____________

B.    Died people’ number ofabortion

C.   Others chart

2.     Risks and reasons

A.   Why do people want to doabortion?

1.Woman is concernedabout how having a baby could __change her life______.

2. Woman can't afford baby now

3. Woman is unready for __responsibility________.

4. Woman is not mature enough, or is too ___young____ to have achild.

        5. They want to delay their next birth.

        6. They do not want a child while theyare in __school_____ or ____working____.

7. Their contraceptivemethod failed.

        8. They became pregnant as a result ofnonconsensual sex.

B.    Surgery
