2019-03-23 21:01:31tznlln3bldxz

【推薦實用居家用品】Odenw-lder L號腳袋 Mucki 限定折扣價開箱炫耀文

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Odenwälder Footmuff Mucki L 設計式樣: black berry

Once you little one is cuddled up in Odenwälder's footmuff Mucki L, he or she will never want to do without it again. This footmuff supplies your child with optimum protection from the wet and cold. The integrated muckitex-membrane with its unique soft-touch surface contributes to the Mucki L's cuddly and warming features. The warmth that is given off by your child is stored and reflected by the breathable and warmth insulating membrane. This way, your little one is wrapped up in a footmuff that supplies him or her with a comfortable temperature at all times.

The outer material is draughtproof and water resistant. Furthermore, the footmuff Mucki L is equipped with a wipeable foot area, double thermal insulation as well as non-slip material in the seating section. In case of hard wind or rainfall, you can easily create a mummy-shaped head area that prevents wet and wind from reaching your child. The safety-bag keeps the drawstring easy to reach. A real eye-catcher for both young and old is the footmuff's cute bear face everyone will fall in love with. The footmuff is extremely absorbent and dries quickly.

開店送禮推薦人氣商品排行榜Due to its six belt slits, Mucki L fits in any pram and buggy. When opened, this amazing footmuff can be used as changing mat or playing blanket. An additional width adjustment supplies your child with more space to move freely and feel most comfortable. The filling is made of 100% polyesters fibres that keep you child warm and make the footmuff suitable for allergy sufferers too. The lining is made of 55% cotton and 45% polyesters. Odenwälder's footmuff Mucki L can be machine washed at 40°C in the delicate cycle and dried at low temperatures.


  • 100% draughtproof

  • Breathable

  • Reflects warmth

  • Double thermal insulation in the foot area

  • Wipeable foot area

  • Folds out completely

  • Mumm shape head section

  • Width adjustment
  • 熱銷商品省錢妙招

  • Non-slip material in the seating section

  • 6 belt slits

  • Machine washable at 40°C in delicate cycle

  • Dryer-proof at low temperatures

  • Reflection by Sympatex

  • Made in Germany

  • Suitable for all prams and buggies




Odenw?lder L號腳袋 Mucki





PCB客戶端備庫存意願低落 鉅橡Q4營收逐月降

PCB 製程墊材廠鉅橡 (8074-TW) 第 3 季營收以 3.9 億元創新高,但第 4 季以來營收走勢不如預期,10 月及11 月營收都較去年同期下滑,鉅橡主管指出,下游客戶端因美中貿易戰不確定因素,備庫存意願大幅下滑,導致 12 月營收仍然呈現下滑走勢。

也就是說,鉅橡第 4 季營收將連續 3 個月下滑,第 4 季營收也將呈現季減特惠活動找便宜及年減,並將創 6 個季度以來新低。

同時,鉅橡為因應原物料價格居高不下,原計畫第 4 季將再調高產品售價 3-5% 的方案,但是受到原物料漲勢趨於緩和,甚至有走跌趨勢之下,加上客戶端需求銳減,因此並沒有完全實施。

鉅橡前 3 季稅後純益 9149 萬元,年減 15.08%,每股純益 1.12 元;在第 4 季營收下滑同時,法人估計鉅橡全年獲利難達到去年的水準。

鉅橡去年稅後純益 1.48 億元,每股純益為 1.84 元。

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Odenw?lder L號腳袋 Mucki

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