2018-12-15 13:14:57大金冷氣

OneStart 的服務式辦公室服務為不同需求的客戶提供舒適的工作環境

is an emerging work mode that provides the comfortable environment for the social gathering of numerous people who can cooperate with each other in order to achieve the most efficient work. Whether they are small businesses, start-ups, entrepreneurs, innovators, freelancers or independent individuals, they can gather together to share work environment.
Hong Kong is the significant international financial, service and shipping center in the world. It is also information highly developed international city with the most free trade port, which is the reason that numerous merchants come to here to register Hong Kong Company to develop the business and improve the company image.
New Notice ofCompanies OrdinanceStarting from 2015, under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) of the Laws of Hong Kong, it requires a Hong Kong Limited Company’s directors must prepare for each financial statements, otherwise, he/she will be subjected to penalty.
服務式辦公室 (Co-working Space hong kong/Company Formation Hong Kong/audit Hong Kong)
首頁 > 服務式辦公室 > 服務簡介
  • 成立公司
  • 租約由三個月起
  • 離地鐵站5分鐘步行距離
  • 辦公室內傢俬齊備
  • 獨立電話線及傳真服務
  • 24/7自由出入
  • 免費寬頻上網、WIFI
  • 無需繳付水、電、管理費及差餉等雜費
  • 提供會議室租用、打印、影印及素描服務
  • 提供秘書服務,協助您處理業務
  • 專人以閣下或貴 公司名義接聽電話
  • 辦公室助理可協助招待,侍奉咖啡或茶、文件歸檔及處理等工作
  • 50 平方英尺至160 平方英尺供您選擇
  • 服務式辦公室客戶可以優惠價租用會議室