2002-10-28 20:52:01劉丹尼

A Wonderful Trip to Canada!

After I came back from our wonderful Canada trip, everything is still in a mess now...
Countless assignments, projects, and the coming midterms, it's sort of like the CPA exam, "Constant Pain in the Ass"-still another American humor told by the speaker Bob-a professor in XYZ University. In any event, life goes on, party continues, and so does my studying. What else I can say?

By and Large, our trip to Canada was great, at least I think so. Finally, I had the chance to take a ride on the "Maid of the Mist"(霧中少女號), which led us toward the greatest Falls in the world. When we approached her, it's like we were in a storm, really crazy then. As a tour guide, I was responsible to take some shots for my dear friends. So i just wore my stupid blue plastic, trashbag-like raincoat, ran around them, up and down the different decks, and tried to keep some memories for us. Anyway, the fact is that, I don't have any appearance in our DV film.

大夥兒去多倫多的那天, 剛好是那兒的感恩節, 整個城空蕩蕩的.在寒冷的天氣中, 連Starbucks都閉門不做生意..........最後,我們只好混到Eaton Center大肆採購, 雖然只有我和Ray不是兩手空空.....CN Tower的下午茶雖不是挺美味, 但還是填了填肚子,至少,窗外的景緻還算不錯啦! 傍晚, 我們幸運的找到了一間港式餐廳, 冠群終於大快朵頤了一番.....真的不錯吃!!!

第三度造訪Niagara-on-the-Lake, 還是一樣悠閒愜意, 我們買了Ice Wine口味的Italian Ice, 我是覺得還不錯吃啦! 在前往那裡的路上,我們在The smallest chapel in the world鬧了一陣子(Mr. Adam York當時已呈現彌留狀態,畢竟年近四十的人很少還是精力充沛的),我也第三度和那久違的大樹拍了照, 心滿意足的再度上路.

離開那天的早上, 是陽光普照的好天氣, 是個適合道別的天氣, 每次離開加拿大時天氣都很好, 這或許是我這麼迷戀Canada的原因之一吧. 儘管過程中不是十全十美, 但好的結束總是能令人長久回味的, 希望我離開紐約那天, 天空依然晴朗.

PS: 在排隊等候過海關回usa時, 後照鏡中的冠群加上周杰倫的"離開"當背景音樂...mmmm還蠻有味道的....
PPS:這次我的Canon D Major 完全沒人欣賞......What else I can say....again!!!